How To Treat Vaginal Burning? The decision on the form of therapy is made by the gynecologist after recognizing the cause of the disease. Treatment of vaginal infections, e.g. bacterial or fungal infections, consists in administering appropriate medications. However, you may find that drug treatment is not necessary, and you can try home treatments to alleviate vaginal burning.
Vaginal burningrequires a gynecological consultation. Treatment of burning vaginal pain caused by allergies usually does not require pharmacotherapy, only a change of intimate hygiene cosmetics or washing powder. In such a situation,home remedies for burning the vaginamay also be useful. You can also go to the pharmacy and ask your pharmacist about over-the-counter supportive products. On the other hand, vaginal infections, e.g. with a fungal or bacterial background, are an indication for consultation with a doctor who will apply the appropriate treatment.
Vaginal Burning: Treatment of Vaginal Inflammation
Bacterial vaginal burning is treated with antibiotics. So is the burning sensation caused by certain STDs. In turn, vaginal mycosis requires the use of antifungal drugs. They can be administered orally or vaginally in the form of tablets, capsules, creams or ointments. Some of them are available over the counter. However, remember that they should be used after consulting your doctor or pharmacist.
In other cases, your doctor may decide to use steroid-containing ointments to reduce inflammation. However, then they should be used only for a short-term treatment.
There may be times when access to a doctor or testing facility is limited, or it may take too long to get the result. Therefore, according to the latest recommendations of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, in the auxiliary treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina, substances that have an antimicrobial effect can be used, e.g. boric acid or PHMB - polyhexamethylene biguanide, which, for example, in combination with lactic acid, restores the physiological pH, preventing multiplication. pathogenic microorganisms.
Vaginal burning: treatment of atrophic vaginitis
Inflammation of the vagina that affects menopausal women, usuallyrequires hormonal treatment with estrogens orally, in the form of tablets, or topically, e.g. in the form of a cream. The selection of a specific form of the drug is made by a gynecologist, taking into account the individual needs of the patient.
Vaginal burning and contraceptives
Vaginal burning during intercourse may be an allergic reaction to the latex used in the condom. In such a situation, it is best to choose condoms made of polyurethane.
Vaginal burning is also a side effect of oral hormonal contraception. You should then ask your doctor to change your tablets or change your contraceptive method.
Home remedies for vaginal burning. How to relieve the burning pain in the vagina?
1. Avoid perfumed intimate hygiene products: toilet paper, sanitary napkins, bath lotions, as well as shower gels, etc., as they alter the correct pH level of the vagina and intimate surroundings. Do not wash your underwear with scented laundry soap, bleach and fabric softeners.
2. For washing intimate parts, use only water and emulsions or gels intended for intimate hygiene. In order to alleviate vaginal burning, it is better to reach for liquids or emulsions with an extremely low pH (3.5). On a daily basis, you can use gels with a pH similar to that of intimate parts (5.2-5.5). They should be used no more than 1-2 times a day. In this way, the skin of the intimate areas is prevented from drying out. Remember that excessive attention to intimate hygiene can also cause infections. IMPORTANT! Washing of intimate parts should always end with anus. Washing in the opposite direction can transfer intestinal bacteria to the vagina.
3. Use a separate towel for wiping intimate parts. Do not use sponges for this, as fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms quickly accumulate on them.
4. Wear cotton underwear. Avoid using artificial, and therefore windproof fabrics, and thongs.
5. If you use tampons during your period, be sure to replace them every few hours. Always choose the ones that are less absorbent.
6. A proper diet is also important. This rich in dairy products containing probiotics - bacteria of the typeLactobacillusandBifidobacterium- i.e. yoghurt, kefir or cottage cheese, reduces the risk of vaginal mycosis. Removing sugars and alcohol from your diet may also be helpful, especially if vaginal infections recur.