The coronavirus from China is spreading very quickly, its outbreaks have long since crossed China's borders and reached Europe. What do you need to know about getting infected with the coronavirus? What are the facts and myths about the virus? Can garlic help us avoid disease? Will flu vaccination improve our immunity? Find out about 13 facts about the coronavirus that may surprise you.
China Coronavirusis a type of virus that causes COVID-19 disease. The World He alth Organization reports that the disease caused by the coronavirus is present in over 100 countries. Generally, it takes about 5 days for the first flu-like symptoms to appear, but it may take up to 24 days to breed. WHO has published a list of facts and myths about the coronavirus. These messages will increase your awareness of the virus threat.
1. Can I pick up a package from China?
YES. Research shows that the coronavirus does not last long on objects. So it is safe to open a package from China.
2. Do hand dryers kill coronavirus?
NO. To protect yourself against the coronavirus, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, preferably using special antibacterial lotions. Washed hands can be dried under a hand dryer or wiped with a clean paper towel.
3. Can UV germicidal lamps be used for disinfection?
Cannot be applied to the skin as it irritates it.
4. How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with the coronavirus?
Thermal scanners detect people with high body temperature, i.e. suffering from fever. Unfortunately, they will not detect infected people, but those who do not have symptoms of fever.
5. Will Alcohol or Chlorine Kill the Coronavirus? Can you pour them over your body?
Alcohol and chlorine will not kill the virus that has already entered our body. They can disinfect objects, but not the body - they can cause irritation.
6. Can pets spread the coronavirus?
There is no evidence that pets like dogs or cats are spreading the coronavirus. However, you should wash your hands after each contact with the animal, which will protect us fromE. coli or Salmonella bacteria that can be transmitted from animal to person.
7. Can a flu or pneumococcal vaccination protect us from becoming infected with the virus?
NO. Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and pneumococcal vaccination will not protect you against coronavirus infection and COVID-19, but they are recommended - they will help prevent other serious diseases.

Together Against Coronavirus
8. Will rinsing your nose with sea s alt help to protect against coronavirus infection?
NO. Rinsing the nose with saline will not save us from the coronavirus.
9. Will eating garlic prevent us from getting sick?
Unfortunately NO. Garlic is he althy, but there is no evidence that it will keep you from getting sick.
10. Does applying sesame oil block the new coronavirus from entering the body?
No. Sesame oil does not kill the new coronavirus. There are several chemical disinfectants that can kill 2022-nCoVonsurfaces. These include bleach / chlorine based disinfectants, solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform. However, they must not be used on the skin!
11. Is it more likely to attack the elderly or children?
Everyone is at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Older people and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are more prone to contracting the disease.
12. Can you treat yourself with antibiotics if you are infected?
Antibiotics only work against bacteria, not viruses.
13. Are there any special medications to prevent or treat the new coronavirus?
To date, there is no specific drug recommended for the prevention or treatment of the new coronavirus (2022-nCoV).
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