A sore throat is one of the possible symptoms of COVID-19. It is one of the rarer symptoms of COVID-19 because it does not occur in every person infected with SARS-CoV-2. However, it can be extremely troublesome. How to recognize a sore throat due to COVID-19 and how to effectively relieve a sore throat caused by coronavirus infection?
A sore throat occurs in some people with COVID-19. The data at the disposal of the World He alth Organization shows that it occurs in less than 14 percent. people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
It appears slightly more often in patients infected with the British coronavirus mutation - analyzes carried out in the UK by Public He alth England, the University of Oxford and the University of Manchester have shown that this symptom appears in up to 21.8% of patients. sick.
A sore throat with COVID-19: why does it occur?
Why there is a sore throat with COVID-19 is not yet entirely clear. This is probably due to the fact that the coronavirus most often enters the body through the respiratory tract and replicates in the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, leading to irritation and associated discomfort and sore throat.
It cannot be ruled out that a sore throat with coronavirus infection is the result of dry cough - when coughing causes irritation of the throat mucosa.
Sore throat with COVID-19: when is the symptom of coronavirus infection?
A sore throat can be a symptom of many diseases - not only COVID-19. It often accompanies flu, angina, colds and other seasonal infections, it can also be a symptom of an allergy or the effect of too dry air in the room. In the case of COVID-19, it is also usually not the first possible symptom of an infection.
However, it is worth being vigilant, especially if, in addition to a sore throat, there are also other disturbing symptoms such as fever, feeling very tired and lack of energy, dry cough, as well as muscle aches and headache, or loss of smell and taste. Many of these symptoms can be symptoms of a cold or viral infection such as the flu, but they can also be symptoms of COVID-19.
It is also worth checking the oral cavity: one of the symptoms of coronavirus infection may be the so-called covid tongue - inflammation and swelling of the tongue, accompanied by pimples, as well as ulceration or swelling of the mouth. If they doany of these symptoms contact your doctor as soon as possible.
A sore throat with COVID-19: how to relieve it?
The COVID-19 treatment guidelines do not mentionhow to alleviate a sore throat with COVID-19 . So be sure to follow your doctor's instructions. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection is often accompanied by a dry, tiring cough. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you can use cough suppressant syrup or tablets.
When the pain is extremely acute, it is worth using anesthetic throat spray to soothe irritation and inflammation, or lozenges to soothe a sore throat. It's also a good idea to gargle with a herbal gargle - e.g. with sage or chamomile - and gargle with soda or gargle available at the pharmacy.
A sore throat with COVID-19 - home remedies
There are also home remedies for a sore throat - such as celery syrup or beetroot syrup. If you have a sore throat - including those caused by COVID-19 - you should drink a lot - a warm liquid, such as water or tea, soothes irritations and hydrates the mucosa. It is worth reaching for milk with garlic or milk with honey and butter from time to time - honey reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and reduces discomfort due to irritation.
You also need to remember to properly moisturize the room - too dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the throat, which further aggravates the sore throat.