Exercises for back pain for the elderly will help prevent back pain and delay its aging processes, and even reduce minor pain. Our backs do a tremendous job to keep our body in the right position and allow us to move, hence pain can happen to everyone. However, in the elderly, back pain increases with age and is caused by degenerative changes and degeneration of the locomotor system.
Exercises for back pain for a senior are recommended not only to those who have back pain, but also to those who would like to avoid such pain.
Physiotherapists and physiotherapists agree that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity can prevent us from many diseases. It is very important that seniors remember about it and, despite their worse well-being or joint pains, take care of their body and exercise regularly.
Exercises for the elderly improve the condition, strengthen muscles, reduce pain and injuries, reduce blood pressure, prevent depression and delay the aging processes of the body. An active senior is a he althier senior.
Exercises for back pain for a senior: what exercises for the spine can be performed?
1. Stretching exercises.
Stretching is great for joint mobility and muscle function. The elderly have contracted muscles and joint capsules, and stretching increases the length of the muscle and the space inside the joint. Seniors are recommended to use static stretching, which consists in maintaining a given position for at least 20 seconds.
For back pain, stretching the muscles of the buttocks, sacroiliac joint, muscles of the lumbar and thoracic spine, among others.
2. Balance exercises.
Elderly people often suffer from problems with the labyrinth or balance disorders associated with weakening of the stabilizing muscles. That is why balance exercises are even more recommended for a senior, provided that he or she will perform them under the supervision of, for example, a physiotherapist or trainer, or with the help of barriers or other devices with which he will be able to secure himself.
For seniors, balance training can be quite difficult, so basic exercises are enough to improve their stabilization. It could be just standing on one leg and keeping your balance throughspecific time or pilates exercises for seniors.
It is important to exercise extreme caution when exercising while standing, and always stand close to something to grab onto in the event of a fall and loss of stability.
3. Endurance exercises.
This is nothing more than exercises that use basic movement patterns to train muscular endurance. Seniors are primarily recommended to train in the pool to strengthen muscles and joints, because swimming is the least injured and safest sport. Another training safe for seniors will be yoga and pilates classes dedicated to the elderly, as well as Nordic walking or even cycling.
Exercises for back pain for a senior: examples of safe exercises
1. Cow-cat.Assume a propped kneeling position, then place your knees slightly wider than hip width apart. Do not overstretch the elbows and keep the abdomen slightly taut (the navel should be sucked in). Then bend the spine downward bringing your belly closer to the mat. Hold your head high up. Hold this for 5 seconds and proceed to the upward curve of the spine, taking the belly away from the mat. Hide your head far below you towards the sternum. Hold the position for 5 seconds. The whole thing - cow and cat - repeat 5-10 times.
2. Pulling your bent legs to your chest while lying down.Lie down on the mat and bring your bent legs up to your chest as far as you can. Hold this position for 20 seconds, then take a few deep breaths and repeat the exercise 5 times.
3. Moving your bent legs to the sides.You can do this exercise in two ways:
- moving one leg to the side once - lie on your back with your knees bent. Tighten your abdomen and stick your lumbar spine to the mat. Then lift your legs up and slowly move your right leg outward as much as you can. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise to the other side. Do 5 repetitions per side.
- moving your legs to the sides - take the same position as in variant a. Bring your legs together and point them to the left until they touch the ground. Try not to let the thoracic part detach too much from the mat and do not worry that when you correct its position, your legs may rise up. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the exercises on the other side.
4. Pulling the legs to the cage alternately . Lie down on the mat with your legs straight. Then, bring one leg to your chest, hold it with your hands against your chest, and repeat the same for the other leg.Remember to tighten your abdominal muscles tightly and keep your spine on the mat. Do this exercise in 10 repetitions on each leg.
5. Bird-dog.Assume a propped kneeling position. Then, straighten one leg backwards (do not lift it higher above the hip) and extend the opposite arm in front of you. Try to reach them as far as possible. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Make sure your hips are even and your back is straight. Keep your head up and pull your stomach in. Repeat to the other side. Do it all 5 times on each side of the body.
Seniors who cannot do the exercises while kneeling on their knees can do the exercises lying on their stomachs on a mat.
6. Rises of chest while prone.Lie on your stomach with arms bent parallel in front of you. Tighten your abdomen and pull your pelvis towards you. Then, without lifting your head, gently raise your chest. Repeat 5 times.
7. The twists of the torso in a sitting position.Sit comfortably in the chair. Place your knees gently to the sides and slowly bend forward. Rest your chest on your thighs and let your arms dangle freely. Or you can grab your elbows and try to rock back and forth and to the sides. Do the exercise a minimum of 5 times until it brings you relief.
Exercises for back pain for seniors: how long and how often should seniors do?
Older people should remember about a daily dose of at least 30 minutes of exercise. It can be a simple walk or playing with your grandson, but you also need to remember to train your back regularly to keep your spine in good shape.
Exercises for the spine should be performed 3 to 5 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes. Such a system will surely bring relief to seniors and significantly improve their efficiency.
When to see a specialist if your back hurts?
Exercise for back pain is very helpful in fighting back pain, but sometimes it may not be enough. When should we see a specialist when our back hurts?
In seniors, back pain is a consequence of degenerative changes in the skeletal and muscular systems, so you could say that it is a normal sign of aging. However, pain is unequal to pain and not every person feels it with the same intensity.
When back pain does not disappear after exercise and lasts throughout the day, it is worth visiting a physiotherapist or orthopedist who, after a professional examination, will select the appropriate therapy and treatment. Of course, you can also go to your GP who will prescribe the appropriate pain medications or ointments.
Specialists recognize whether spine problems are a result of degenerative changes related to the locomotor system or are caused by a different, more serious disease.
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