Ivy (Hedera helix) is not only an effective, evergreen decoration of gardens, fences and walls of buildings. It is also a plant that has long been highly valued by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Check the healing properties of Hedera helix, the popular ivy.
Ivy( Hedera helix ) is a plant that is poisonous and successfully used in the treatment of various ailments. This is possible thanks to the unique set of substances it contains.
It is primarily a large amount of saponins (including hederacoside B and C, hederagenin, alpha-hederin), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, rutin), phenolic acids (chlorogenic and coffee) and phytosterols (stigmasterol , spinasterol, campesterol), as well as polyacetylenes and coumarins.
A very valuable component of ivy leaves - because they are the basic herbal material - are phytoncides and hederin. All these substances have been used in the production of cosmetic and medicinal preparations.
Ivy fights cellulite
Flavonoids and rutin, present in ivy leaves, seal the walls of capillaries, improve blood circulation, soothe local inflammation and facilitate lymph outflow, preventing swelling.
They also help to break down body fat. As a result, ivy leaf extracts are a very desirable, as an effective ingredient of preparations designed to combat cellulite.
Ivy soothes coughs, cleanses the bronchi
Hedera has long been considered a cough remedy. Ivy extracts are a component of lozenges and syrups recommended for the treatment of catarrh of the respiratory system.
Ivy saponins relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, which facilitates expectoration and cleansing of the bronchial secretions.
On the other hand, phytoncides inhibit the growth of many bacteria and viruses, have a strong antifungal effect, which prevents respiratory yeast infections and supports their treatment.
Preparations containing ivy extract are recommended not only in chronic bronchitis, but also in asthma and whooping cough.
Ivy supports the treatment of intimate infections
Itching, burning, unpleasant smell - yeast is the most common cause of intimate problems. Then it is worth using the preparation z for intimate hygienewith ivy extract or use a decoction of ivy leaves to wash it - it soothes inflammation and helps fight infection.
Ivy reduces scalp seborrhea
Ivy saponins have antiseptic properties and at the same time soften the epidermis. As a result, they prevent excessive keratinization of the hair follicles and cleanse the pores of the skin. At the same time, they regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and restore the balance of the scalp. That is why ivy extracts are used in cosmetics for oily and dandruff-prone hair.
ImportantWarning, poison!
The whole plant, but especially the leaves and ivy fruits, can cause severe poisoning. The dangerous ingredients of the plant are saponins and glycosides - but only ingesting them in large amounts can cause cramps, diarrhea, burning in the mouth and throat, rash, numbness, and even respiratory arrest. Ivy is especially dangerous for children.
Ivy fights acne
Ivy leaf extract is a component of many cosmetics designed for the care of oily and acne-prone skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, thoroughly cleanses the skin of all impurities and unblocks pores, and thanks to its antiseptic properties, it reduces inflammation. Additionally, cosmetics with ivy extract eliminate shine of oily skin.
Ivy removes foot odor
The strong antifungal properties of ivy extract are very helpful in the problems caused by strongly sweating feet. Baths in an infusion of ivy help fight yeast infections of the skin and eliminate the unpleasant smell, characteristic of such an infection.
Ivy helps during menstruation
For infusions of ivy, rich in saponins, routin and flavonoids, it is worth reaching during menstruation accompanied by abdominal pain or painful breast swelling. The relaxant, anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory properties of the compounds contained in ivy effectively relieve menstrual discomfort.
Ivy improves skin firmness
Cosmetics containing ivy extract inhibit enzymes that have a destructive effect on collagen and elastin fibers, thanks to which the skin retains its elasticity and firmness for longer. On the other hand, ivy-derived saponins have a stabilizing effect on the connective tissue structure, at the same time softening the skin and epithelium and facilitating the penetration into the tissues of other active ingredients contained in cosmetics, e.g. anti-aging cosmetics. As a result of their action, the skin regains its elasticity and youthful appearance.
ImportantIvy leaf tincture
30 g of coarsely chopped ivy leaves and pour the second as many violet flowers in plain vodka so that the herbs are covered. Close the vessel tightly and shake it daily. After a month, strain and store in a dark glass bottle. Take half a teaspoon once a day in case of cough, bronchitis and laryngitis.
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