The occurrence of memory problems with age is generally normal, but some symptoms indicate a severe cognitive decline. Even if you feel as though your memory is deteriorating, there is probably nothing to worry about. From the age of 30, the brain begins to shrink, but it's so slow that most people don't notice it.
To be diagnosed with dementia, there must be a significant decline in more than one cognitive area, and these changes must affect daily life. This usually means that they, in addition to memory problems, also have problems in another area, such as language, visual-spatial orientation or executive functioning (ability to multitask).
In some cases, memory deterioration and confusion may be caused by factors that can be treated or even reversed. These are i.a. vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, drug side effects and depression.
Here Are The 9 Early Symptoms Of Dementia

If you notice that you or a loved one have any of the following symptoms of dementia, see your he althcare professional for an accurate diagnosis.