My dreams used to be terrible. I woke up at night and "something" tried to hurt me in many ways. It paralyzed my body, tugged me, choked me. I was terrified, it always happened after three in the morning. Once I could not stand mentally anymore and confided in the doctor who treated me homeopathically. She told me that it might be time for intercessory prayer because in the place where I live, someone might have died suddenly for unknown reasons, or someone had been killed. This scared me, but I was tired of "waking" and looking like a "shadow". Unfortunately, I was unable to bring the dowser home. Prayers did not help, nor did candles on the graves of people who once had their home in this place. I moved out of that house and it was all over. As he took away with his hand. However, yesterday I had a strange dream, in it I was performing an exorcism with someone over an emaciated body, which was writhing like an eel and breaking in two. We were praying … Then suddenly silence and I look in the mirror in this room here, and I got scared, I started screaming I saw myself changing, strange circles under my eyes, black! I ran out of the room. In the next one I saw a person in the window, probably a frail young woman, who was emerging from behind the curtain, I was afraid, I wanted not to feel it anymore! I managed to wake up, I was scared, it was morning, I was afraid to squint my eyes. I don't know what to think about it. Here, where I live now, I have never had such dreams before, and suddenly something like that. Please advise me who to contact, who will understand my problem and explain why it happened.
Often times, stress, emotions related to everyday life, constant pursuit and lack of time to rest make our minds often create terrifying dreams when we go to sleep. Such dreams may appear cyclically and at the same time. It is sometimes information for us to slow down the pace of life, rest and relax. Preparation for sleep should take place in a calm atmosphere. So let's take care of a good reading, let's listen to some calming music. You can drink a tea that will calm you down, take a summer shower and lie to bed in a well-ventilated room, thinking that we will soon sleep well. Anything positive should bring you the desired result - sleep. When thoughts that are not related to sleep begin to arise, let us try to gently but firmly move them away from us. Avoid watching horror movies or listening to programs that tell abouthuman tragedy. "Visitation" by ghosts is very rare. Sometimes a "stray" soul manifests in this way its request to say a prayer for her, or to order a church for her peace of mind. It is important not to be afraid and if such a thing happens, let us ask for the protection of our Guardian Angel. Then it is easier to separate our own fear and imagination from what is actually happening. However, sometimes people do not respect places, devoted dead. So they build houses, villas or supermarkets in cemeteries, which over time begin to absorb the energy of these places. There is also the energy of the living people who have left their despair here. Such energy, accumulated in one place, has great power and stays there for many years - if not forever. There are people who, while in such places, feel anxiety, fear, or even see the energies of the dead. Before buying a flat or a house, it is good to look at the maps of a given area and see what was there a few or several dozen years back, then we will avoid many unpleasant events. Please try to calm down and calmly consider all the events that have occurred. Since I don't know all the facts, I can't do anything specific, but the way to protect the angel is very good, and please try to apply it. It is also worth saying a prayer for the dead and burning candles in the evenings, thinking how it all goes away from us. If this does not help, there is always an appointment with an exorcist. I wish you peace of mind and greet you warmly.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Ewa MorawskaMaster of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor. Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)
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