Rue is a herb that is very forgotten in Poland and can be found all over the continent (except Antarctica). Ruta has a distinctive smell, bitter taste and numerous he alth benefits. Why is it worth entering a route into the menu?
Common rueis a perennial plant. Ruta blooms in the summer months, from June to August. It has a strong, specific, unpleasant smell and bitter taste, but it is full of he alth-promoting ingredients. However, it should be remembered that rue has a very strong effect and not everyone should eat it.
Common rout is a source of essential oils, flavonoids, alkaloids, coumarin, mineral s alts, vitamin C and organic acids. It is thanks to these substances that it exhibits so many he alth properties.

Ordinary routine - action
In herbal medicine, rue leaf and rue herb are used. In order to dry the rue, it is harvested before flowering - the tops of the shoots are cut and dried in shaded and airy places. The raw meal obtained in this way has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, but not only. In the old days, ruta was used as an aphrodisiac.
Ordinary routine has an effect:
- choleretic
- relaxes - relaxes smooth muscles, helps with painful periods
- calming
- carminative
- improving peripheral circulation
- lowering blood pressure
- anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation of muscles and joints
- to improve appetite
- helping with diarrhea
It is also used as an antiparasitic agent, in folk medicine it was used as a remedy for lice and gastrointestinal parasites. Ruta repels insects such as flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches.
Ruta is also applied to the skin to relieve inflammation and itching associated with fungal lesions. Rue herb infusion applied externally to the skin brightens it and may delay the aging process.
Formerly, rue was used externally in the form of compresses for toothache, earache or headache, and for the treatment of sprains, puffiness, injuries and sprains - ruthenium compresses help with swelling, also for edema caused by retentionbody water.
We recommend: Ruta infusion - how to prepare it?
Rue - side effects
Unfortunately, rue has a very strong effect, so it can cause side effects. In higher doses, rue causesuterine contractions , increases menstrual bleeding and increasesskin sensitivity to sunlight.
Touching the fresh rue herb causes dermatitis bullous.
Ordinary routine - contraindications
Pregnant women (uterine contractions may cause premature labor or miscarriage), uterine bleeding, patients with gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic ulceration of the colon and heartburn.