Common verbena, also known as medicinal verbena, is a plant that has many medicinal uses. We will immediately warn you that pregnant women should not use it, because it causes uterine contractions. Verbena has a beautiful fragrance and an attractive appearance, it can be successfully grown in a garden or on a balcony.

Verbenais a herb that is popular in our country. The most common leaves, used for medicinal purposes, arecommon verbena or lemon verbena . Verbena has been known for centuries - apparently it was verbena extract that was supposed to be used to stop the blood flowing from Christ's wounds. In the old days, verbena was suspected of having magical properties - it could induce dreams, ward off evil powers and bring good luck (worn as an amulet). What does verbena really have healing properties?

At the very beginning it should be mentioned that there are many varietiesverbena . Common verbena, also known as the medicinal verbena, grows wild in Poland. On the other hand, Patagonian, bush, garden and lemon verbena are most often grown. Usually, an infusion of verbena is used or tea with its addition - ready-made mixtures are available in stores, although verbena is quite easy to grow and can be successfully grown on a garden or balcony.
Verbena - medicinal use
Common verbena in the past has been a staple ingredient in love potions, as well as in memory-enhancing and stimulating potions. It was used by women as a remedy for painful periods, and nursing mothers used the herb verbena to stimulate lactation.
In addition, verbena has been used as a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, anticoagulant, antipyretic and expectorant agent. Verbenais believed to help fight parasitesand is also bactericidal. It helps with pains, including migraines, has a calming and calming effect.
Verbena can be used in the first days of viral infection:
- works diaphoretic,
- reduces fever,
- is used as an expectorant, dilutes the residual secretion,
- has anti-inflammatory properties,
- has bactericidal and fungicidal properties.
Verbena can also be used to treat ailmentsdigestive system:
- improves the digestive process,
- has a carminative effect,
- works cholagogue,
- supports cleansing the body of toxins,
- helps in the fight against gallstones and urolithiasis,
- reduces the multiplication of Escherichia coli,
- relieves nausea and vomiting,
- prevents constipation and diarrhea,
- accelerates the absorption of nutrients from food,
- supports the liver during the treatment of jaundice,
- cleanses the liver and supports its regeneration.
Verbena is used as a remedy for ailments typical of a woman - it causes menstruation in the event of a prolonged cycle, supports lactation, but as we have already mentioned - it is forbidden in pregnancy becausecauses uterine contractionsand these can contribute to premature labor.
Verbena also heals muscle tension and the resulting pains, including abdominal pain.
Less obvious uses of verbena are:
- Verbena - for skin
Verbena compresses can be used on difficult-to-heal wounds, swellings and skin rashes. For this purpose, a verbena infusion is used, in which gauze is soaked and then applied to the skin. Verbena compresses make the skin less tense, the patients feel a lot of relief.
- Verbena - for rinsing the mouth
Verbena infusion can be used as a mouthwashmouthwashto combat inflammation in the mouth.
- Verbena - for eyes
You can rinse your eyes with verbena infusion in the event of conjunctivitis.
Verbena - what's in it?
In herbal medicine, the herb verbena is mainly used, which contains:
- phytosterols,
- phenolic acids,
- iridoid glycosides,
- verbaline,
- antioxidants (flavonoids, iridoids).
Lemon verbena
Lemon verbena is a popular type of verbena - it has a refreshing lemon flavor and a rich aroma. relaxing and calming. Like verbena, it has a relaxing and calming effect, but it is also recommended as an anti-wrinkle agent - it cares for the skin and protects against premature wrinkles,
Lemon verbena helps with headaches, menstrual cramps, relieves depression, helps relieve muscle tension, relieves symptoms of painful periods, helps to fall asleep and effectively refreshes breath.
Verbena tincture
Verbena tincture is prepared in a ratio of 1: 5. Verbena herb should bepour 40% alcohol and macerate, then set aside for a few weeks in a dark place. Verbena tincture should be drunk about 10 ml, up to three times a day.