The antifungal diet is the basic element in the treatment of candidiasis - gastrointestinal yeast infection. A proper diet will help to stop the excessive growth of yeasts and restore the natural balance of the intestinal microflora. See the detailed recommendations in the anti-fungal diet and a sample recipe menu.
The antifungal dietis an essential element in the treatment of candidiasis - gastrointestinal yeast infection. The disease called mycosis (thrush) is more and more often diagnosed disease associated with numerous accompanying ailments. It is an infection caused by yeasts of the genusCandida , most often of the speciesCandida albicans , which most people naturally inhabit the body, including their digestive system. The bacterial flora present in the digestive tract and the appropriate conditions in it prevent the colonization and spread ofCandidafungi in he althy people.
The disease called candidiasis (thrush) of the gastrointestinal tract is an invasive infection that occurs with excessive, intense development of fungal colonies. The problem here is the colonization of the intestinal walls by the colony, and thus - the unsealing of the anatomical intestinal barrier and the penetration of undesirable components, microorganisms and toxins into the bloodstream. Under favorable conditions and a weakened human immune system, it can lead to various types of reactions on the part of the body. FungiCandidaproduce substances that are toxic to the cells of an infected organism, damage the immune system and increase the spread of infection.
Symptoms accompanying candidiasis can be divided into several groups, including the sides of the digestive system: bloating, excessive gas production, diarrhea, abdominal pain, unpleasant smell from the mouth. Skin and respiratory allergies, disorders of the central nervous system, such as mood changes, depression, anxiety states, and general organism dysfunctions - weakness, fatigue, decreased immunity and many others are common.
The main cause of excessive yeast growth in the digestive tract is a change in the natural composition of the intestinal microflora, which is mainly caused by:
- improper diet, rich in productshighly processed, simple sugars, animal fats; excessive amount of dairy products; deficiencies of vitamins and minerals,
- long-term use of certain drugs: antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen), steroids, drugs that reduce gastric acidity, contraceptives,
- living conditions: chronic stress, life in a hurry.
Elimination of excessive yeast growth in the intestines - dietary recommendations
Adequate nutritional management is an essential element in the treatment of candidiasis. The main purpose of the diet is to restore the natural balance in the composition of the intestinal microflora, and thus - seal the intestinal walls, restore the acid-base balance of the body, and strengthen the body's immunity. The effect of using an antifungal diet is the restoration of normal body functions and a significant improvement in he alth. Nutritional elimination of candidiasis is a long-term process, requires conscious conduct, consistency and persistence, and takes place in several stages.The most important recommendation in an antifungal dietis:
1. Eliminating products conducive to the development of yeasts.
2. Maintaining the acid-base balance of the body.
3. Applying the principles of a separate diet.
4. The use of herbs and plant preparations with antifungal properties.
ImportantAt this point, it should be emphasized that due to the different severity and different symptoms, ailments and accompanying ailments, body weight, and the ability to digest nutrients - the scope of the diet should be selected individually for each sick person. This means that we cannot speak of a universal diet for everyone, but the principles of using a diet that should be followed are similar.
Antifungal diet: Exclusion of yeast-promoting products
The goal of the dietary fight against yeast infection is to destroy the overgrown colony of fungi in the intestines, and at a later stage to prevent their re-development. Simple sugars and starch are the natural breeding ground for yeasts. Too much of these sugars in the large intestine allows the fungi to grow excessively. This situation may be due to the excessive, regular consumption of sugars in the diet, resulting in inaccurate digestion and absorption. Excess sugar enters the large intestine, where it becomes an excellent breeding ground for yeasts. Inaccurate biting and chewing of fruit and cereal products has a similar effect - too large pieces of food are not digested thoroughly, so they stay in the intestines for too long.
The most important element of an antifungal diet is to deprive mushrooms of their basic food, i.e. sugar, which can be achieved by following strict dietary recommendations.
In the first stage of the diet, a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended: restrictive elimination of sugar and products containing simple sugars, products with a high glycemic index and highly processed cereal products from the daily diet. The duration of the first stage of the diet depends on the individual response to treatment and lasts until you feel better and symptoms decrease, usually about 3-6 weeks. During the first few days of applying the recommendations, there is an increased secretion of toxins, which is associated with the death of fungi. You can expect the intensification of symptoms such as: excessive fatigue, irritability, headaches.
When following the diet in the first step, it is recommended to eliminate sugar for sweetening drinks, all kinds of sweets, cakes, honey, artificial sweeteners, some vegetables that contain high amounts of starch (e.g. potatoes) and most fruits (they contain high amounts of fructose - simple sugar). The group of products containing sugars (lactose) also includes dairy products, so it is recommended to avoid milk and dairy products. In addition, people on an antifungal diet should avoid other products that support the development of yeast: highly processed products, containing preservatives, monosodium glutamate, with the addition of vinegar and yeast.
Products that require elimination or restriction of the diet during the treatment of candidiasis in the first stage of the diet:
- sugar, sweets, natural and artificial honey, artificial sweeteners, molasses,
- white flour, white rice, highly processed cereals, wheat flour noodles,
- fruit, except lemons, grapefruits, sour apples,
- vegetables containing significant amounts of starch: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, boiled carrots, boiled beets,
- unfermented milk and dairy products (some people should not consume dairy products at all): cream, cheese, milk drinks, e.g. buttermilk,
- products containing yeast or in the production of which yeast is used: alcoholic beverages including beer, non-alcoholic beer, wine, powdered soups,
- vinegar and any products containing vinegar (pickled vegetables, olives, etc.),
- products containing mold: blue cheese, naturally dried meats, salami,
- fermented products: raw sauerkraut, raw pickled cucumbers,
- margarines and refined oils except olive oil,
- naturally dried products that may contain molds and sugars: e.g. dried fruit (plums, figs, dates, etc.),
- coffee, grain coffee, black tea,
- sweetened carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, fruit juices
- products containing preservatives and monosodium glutamate: cold cuts, cheese, canned meat and fish, ready-made spice mixes, other,
- ready-made sauces, e.g. ketchup.
It is worth emphasizing that the content of starchy products in the diet should not be too drastically limited. A situation in which carbohydrates are completely excluded can lead to rapid, excessive weight loss, which in turn results in the weakening of the body and an increased susceptibility to infections - including fungal infections. Also, the duration of the first stage should not be excessively extended, as it is a diet with nutrient deficiencies, which may lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body not related to candidiasis. Despite the large restrictions, you should eat the right number of meals, eat your fill and be tasty.
Carbohydrate (starch) products permitted in small amounts in the first stage of the antifungal diet are, for example :
- wholemeal bread, rye, oat, gluten-free, preferably baked on its own,
- groats (buckwheat, barley, other),
- brown or wild rice.
Complementary source of carbohydrates should be vegetables with low starch content, e.g. cruciferous vegetables - any kind of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, also lettuce, spinach, radish and radishes, celery, celery, root and parsley, asparagus, zucchini. It is worth paying attention to vegetables containing biostatic substances: onions, garlic, leeks, which should also be included in the diet at this stage.
The protein products recommended in the first stage of the antifungal diet are:poultry meat, beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit meat, lamb, eggs, fish and seafood - cooked, prepared steamed or baked, unwashed.
An important element in the diet is to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, so it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water. Other drinks allowed in the diet are vegetable juices (preferably prepared on their own), herbal infusions and fruit teas.
The next stages of the antifungal diet are aimed at further elimination of excess fungi, but the primary purpose of its application is to seal the intestinal barrier and increase the body's immunity. Sealing the intestinal barrier is possible by avoiding the consumption of certain foodsfood, such as dairy or gluten, and the use of specialized preparations containing strains of probiotic bacteria. Probiotics, e.g. from the familyLactobacillushave a positive effect on the immune system, and some of them slow down the development of yeasts. The most important functions of probiotics are to stimulate the immune system and to aid digestion and absorption of food. Include raw fermented vegetables (e.g. cabbage, cucumbers, etc.), fermented beverages such as kefir, yoghurt, and other natural fermented drinks such as beet kvass with your meals. Intestinal tightness and regeneration is also favored by the use of preparations containing caprylic acid or glutamine.
Dietary components that increase the body's immunity, which are worth paying special attention to, are:
- vitamin C (fresh pepper, kale, Brussels sprouts, parsley, broccoli),
- vitamin D3 (fatty sea fish, supplements),
- vitamin A (fish, veal liver, offal),
- vitamin E (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, green vegetables),
- B vitamins (meat, offal, vegetables),
- omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (linseed oil, olive oil, nuts, fish),
- zinc (meat, offal, seafood, nuts, almonds, buckwheat, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds),
- selenium (Brazil nuts, fish and seafood, eggs, meat, walnuts, seeds, sprouts).
In addition to the above-mentioned recommendations, gradually include vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, raw carrots in the next stages of the antifungal diet. Then eat more whole grains, add ready-made carrots, beets, legumes and gradually fruit - gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, more apples and citrus. It is recommended that new products be introduced one at a time, observing the body's reactions and again excluding those that cause ailments.
The next and last stage of the diet is the gradual inclusion of the forbidden products in meals: dairy products, small amounts of products with the use of mold, starchy foods, fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes and others. As before, you should observe how your body reacts to the changes you make. The literature specifies the time of using an antifungal diet and recovery up to a year and depends on the degree of fungal growth before treatment, the duration of the disease and the degree of damage caused by mycosis. Since spores ofCandidacan be found in the blood for up to 2-3 years, they can cause the disease to relapse again.Therefore, the general recommendations of the antifungal diet should be used every day.
Maintaining the acid-base balance of the body
Fungi inhabiting the human digestive system create an acidic environment in the intestines, unfavorable for he alth. In the case of long-term candidiasis, the amount of acidic metabolic products of fungi in the body fluids of the sick person increases, which may lead to further disorders in the body. Therefore, an antifungal diet requires introducing alkaline and neutral products into the daily consumption and drinking more good-quality water. Selected alkaline or neutral products acceptable in the antifungal diet are, for example, lemons, limes, parsley, cress, beetroot, asparagus, fresh unsweetened vegetable juices, celery, garlic, grapefruit, herbs (fresh), lettuce, sour apples, broccoli, spinach, cabbage , kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, rhubarb, cucumbers, eggplants, cauliflower, leek, onion, horseradish, olive oil, sesame seeds, cereal sprouts, little sweet tomatoes, fresh butter, whey, natural yoghurt.
Apply the principles of a separate diet
The formation of an acidic environment in the body is favored by the fermentation of carbohydrates by yeastsCandidawith the simultaneous problem of digesting proteins and fats. It is undigested proper protein residues in the intestines that cause gastric problems, typical of yeast overgrowth: excessive gas, bloating and nausea. In a separate diet, it is recommended to eat protein (meat, fish, eggs) and carbohydrate (starchy) products in separate meals in the later stages of treatment of candidiasis. The antifungal diet limits the amount of carbohydrates, so basic meals should consist of cooked and raw vegetables (salads) and protein products. It is not recommended to drink before, during and after a meal. Fluids dilute digestive juices, which extends the time it takes to digest food.
Using herbs and herbal preparations with anti-fungal properties
When following an antifungal diet, it is worth using plant-based supplements. Examples include:
- devil's claw (pau d'arco, lapacho) - in addition to its antifungal properties, it has antibacterial properties, strengthens the immune system, has anti-cancer properties, lowers blood sugar levels and facilitates digestion. It also has cleansing properties, removes excess toxins from the body;
- wilcacora ( Uncaria tomentosa ) - has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, cleansing of toxins, its strongest effect is to stimulate the immune system. Inhibits the growth of fungiCandidairemoves toxins produced by the fungus from the body;
- oregano oil - has an antifungal effect on yeastsCandida albicansand mold fungi, strengthens the immune system;
- garlic preparations - allicin contained in garlic has the effect of blocking the access of glucose to the cells of the fungus, which prevents its growth and development;
- other preparations with antifungal and immune-boosting properties include grapefruit seed extract, black walnut tincture, echinacea extract, tincture ( Coptis chinensis ), goldenseal.
It should be emphasized that preparations of this type should be selected individually, and many cannot be used in children and pregnant women.
We recommend
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youThe principles of the anti-fungal diet - summary
1. The diet should be wholesome, individually tailored for each person, in terms of energy and nutritional value.
2. It should take into account comorbidities, including confirmed allergies and food intolerances. If an allergy is suspected, appropriate tests should be performed and an elimination diet should be applied.
3. Use natural, fresh, preferably seasonal, good-quality products.
4. You should exclude highly processed fast-food, ready-made powdered meals, sweets, sodas, and more from your diet.
5. It is recommended to use an initial, restrictive step limiting sugar and sugar-containing products, fruits, cereals and vegetables containing significant amounts of starch. The duration of this stage is selected individually.
6. You should eat foods with a low glycemic index.
7. When following the diet, you should eat high-quality protein products: beef, pork (lean), rabbit, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetable protein products such as nuts, almonds, legumes (at a later stage). Protein products should be eaten with cooked or raw vegetables, e.g. in the form of salads.
8. The fats consumed during the diet should be olive oil, cold pressed linseed oil, coconut oil and a small amount of butter.
9. The source of carbohydrates later in the dietThere should be vegetables, vegetable juices, groats, wild rice, brown rice and wholemeal bread.
10. It is recommended to use alkaline products and to consume protein and carbohydrate products separately (at a later stage).
11. Take care of the right amount of fluids. The best to drink are: water, fruit teas, it is advisable to drink herbs.
12. It is worth considering the use of appropriate dietary supplements, including probiotics, vitamins, minerals and preparations that increase the body's resistance.
13. When following a diet, it is worth taking care of regular physical activity, which is of great importance for the proper functioning of the body's immunity.
Antifungal diet - an exemplary 6-day menu with recipes in the first stage of the diet
Breakfast: broccoli salad with salmon and vegetables 2nd breakfast: rye bread sandwich with sunflower seed paste with dried tomatoes and sprouts, beetroot leaven Lunch: lemon chicken with asparagus, carrot salad with coriander Dinner: millet cutlets - egg with linseed, pickled cucumber salad with onion and apple
Broccoli Salad with Salmon and Vegetables
Ingredients: 150 g of boiled broccoli, a large slice of smoked salmon (approx. 60 g), 1 large tomato, 1/2 fresh cucumber (approx. 60 g), 1/2 fresh red pepper, 1/2 a bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon of linseed oil, 1/2 lemon juice, s alt, pepper to taste
Preparation method: Wash the vegetables, clean the peppers from seeds, dice them into small cubes with the cucumber and tomato. Place the vegetables in a bowl, add the cooked broccoli. Cut the salmon into small strips and chop the parsley. Mix all ingredients, add lemon juice, oil and spices. Mix the salad and chill. You can prepare the salad the day before.
Sunflower seed paste with dried tomatoes
Ingredients: 150 g sunflower seeds, 4 sun-dried tomatoes (quite large), 1 bunch of parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, about 2 tablespoons of water, s alt, pepper to taste, fresh sprouts to sprinkle
Preparation method: Soak the sunflower seeds in cold water (about 10 hours - you can overnight) - drain the water before use. Cut the parsley stalks into smaller pieces. Place the sunflower seeds and the rest of the ingredients in a dish and mix with a blender. Use a spatula to scrape the mass off the sides of the vessel, season the paste with a spatula and mix again. The paste can be stored in the refrigerator for about 1 week, in a tightly closed container.
Drinking beetroot kvass
Ingredients (approx.2 liters): 2.5 kg of small beets, 2 liters of water, a few cloves of garlic (at your discretion), a few tablespoons of pickled cucumber water, 2 sugar onions, 3 heaped tablespoons of rock s alt, 3 bay leaves, 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon of allspice seeds
Preparation: Boil water with s alt. Wash the beetroots, peel them thinly and cut them into slices. Peel the garlic, cut the cloves in half lengthwise. Peel the onions and cut into quarters. Place the vegetables in a stoneware vessel (there may be a different, non-metallic, opaque vessel), pour hot water. Place a plate on top, weight it down so that the beets do not flow out. After the water has cooled down, add the juice of the pickled cucumbers. Cover the vessel with a cloth and leave it at room temperature for 4-5 days. During this time (day 2-3), collect the foam that forms on top and stir lightly. The leaven can be poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator for a few days.
Lemon chicken with asparagus(approx. 2 servings)
Ingredients: 2 small chicken fillets, 1 bunch of green asparagus, 1 lemon, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts or hazelnuts, lemon pepper, s alt
Preparation method: Wash the chicken fillets, dry with a paper towel, sprinkle with s alt and lemon pepper. Set aside in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Blanch the lemon and cut into slices. Wash asparagus, peel coarse ends, place in a steamer, sprinkle with s alt. Place the chicken breasts together with the asparagus. Pour water into a vessel, and steamed, covered, for about 20 minutes. Heat the butter in a frying pan, fry the lemon slices until they are soft and lightly golden brown. Put the asparagus on a plate, put the chicken and the fried lemon slices on them. Serve sprinkled with chopped nuts.
Millet-egg cutlets with linseed
Ingredients (4 pcs): 5 eggs, 80 g millet, 1 tablespoon ground linseed, 1 tablespoon chopped dill, 1/2 teaspoon s alt, pinch of pepper, 100 g almond flakes, 90 ml water, olive oil olive oil for frying
Preparation method: Hard-boil 4 eggs, cool them and peel them. Rinse the millet in a strainer under running, cold water, then pour boiling water over it. Pour water into a pot, boil it and s alt it, add the groats and cook it - time approx. 15 minutes. Set aside to cool. Grind the groats and boiled eggs in a food processor or mix in a blender, add raw egg, s alt, pepper, dill and linseed, mix thoroughly. Form small, oval cutlets. Coat each cutlet in almond flakes, fry over low heat until the petals turn slightly brown.
Pickled saladcucumbers with onion and apple
Ingredients: 3 large pickled cucumbers, 1 onion, 1 apple, s alt, pepper, 2 teaspoons of linseed oil
Preparation: Cucumbers cut into quite thin half-slices. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater, add to the cucumbers with onions, add oil, s alt, pepper and sugar, mix thoroughly. Chill before serving.
Breakfast: omelette with vegetables and sprouts, tomato salad with garlic and dill
2nd breakfast: cauliflower and pepper salad with smoked chicken and pumpkin seeds, carrot juice
Lunch: tomato soup (pure) with wild rice, cabbage rolls with cod
Dinner: salad mix with radishes, egg and asparagus
Breakfast: almond milk cocktail with grapefruit, broccoli, mackerel and fennel salad with sunflower seeds
2nd breakfast: whole grain bread sandwich with lettuce, pickled cucumber and onion
Lunch: rabbit roast, pumpkin roast fries, leek salad with apple and parsley
Dinner: courgettes stuffed with vegetables and meat
Breakfast: pan-fried vegetables without potatoes, sauerkraut and apple salad
2nd breakfast: a handful of nuts and almonds, a cocktail of vegetable milk with spinach
Lunch: beetroot soup with egg, ground turkey cutlets, celery and Brazil nut salad
Dinner: courgette pancakes with sesame seeds, pepper and onion salad
Breakfast: salad with pickled cucumber, pepper and onion, multi-vegetable juice
2nd breakfast: rye crispbread sandwich with boiled turkey breast, lettuce and radishes
Lunch: fish soup with curry, sauerkraut pancakes with Hungarian goulash
Dinner: ratatouille with zucchini and pieces of chicken
Breakfast: frittata with onion and vegetables, crispy vegetables, celery and carrot juice
2nd breakfast: spinach salad with roasted turkey, onion, sunflower seeds and sun-dried tomatoes, apple
Lunch: broccoli cream soup with pumpkin seeds and nuts, chicken breast gyros
Dinner: Greek fish
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