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For years, doctors have admired the diet of the inhabitants of southern Europe. But after a long period of reigning in he alth rankings, the Mediterranean diet has serious competition: it is the Nordic diet, i.e. the Scandinavian diet.

The people of Scandinavia are no exception and like the rest of the world they have a soft spot for fast food. But the traditions of the national cuisines of Denmark, Sweden and Norway are based on what doctors consider the he althiest, including fish, whole grain products and vegetables. And they eliminate the effects of reaching for unhe althy dishes. No wonder that only about 11% of the inhabitants of these countries have a problem with overweight and obesity. In 2012, the University of Uppsala in Sweden announced the results of a study which showed that the typical cuisine of our northern neighbors is not only good at dealing with elevated levels of cholesterol and blood sugar, but also contributing to weight loss. In another study, published in the major Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists argue that the diet is already working at the gene level; weakens the activity of those associated with the occurrence of inflammation, and therefore carrying the risk of developing serious diseases, including cancer.

Rich menu for the fastidious

The Scandinavian diet is distinguished by an increased amount of the most valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber. According to the recommendations of specialists, it should be based on fatty fish (at least 2 or 3 times a week), grains of as little processed cereals as possible, such as barley, oats, as well as legumes and root vegetables. It also includes cruciferous vegetables as those with proven anti-cancer properties. According to the authors of the diet, vegetables should make up 30-50% of what we eat. You can eat bread if it is dark and wholemeal, and of course the well-known pumpernickel bread in Scandinavia. Rapeseed oil and nuts must be included in the daily menu. There are also fruits, mainly apples, blueberries, blueberries and blackberries, but in small amounts and rather as an addition to desserts and meats, facilitating the digestion of the latter. Because it's worth knowing that the Scandinavians are rather carnivorous; they like venison and red meat, but eat less and less of it. Steaks or meatballs are only allowed as an accompaniment to dishes and should not be eaten more than once or twice a week. In thatthe diet has a lot of herbs, but it cannot do without s alt, pepper and nutmeg. You have to eat lean dairy products every day.

A portion of traffic

The diet is supported by exercise - daily outdoor activity should last at least 30 minutes. Water and winter sports as well as Nordic walking are recommended, but it is important that it be your favorite sport. Without counting calories and limiting portions, within 6 weeks you can lose 5% of weight, and after six months we lose an average of 4.6 kg. The condition of the heart also improves and blood pressure is normalized.

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