How to lose weight quickly before New Year's Eve? All you have to do is try one of the quick slimming and cleansing diets. Thanks to them, you can lose even 3-4 kg in a few days, which is about as much as some people usually gain during the festive feast. We advise how to quickly and effectively lose weight before New Year's Eve. Choose the right diet for you!

How to lose weight quickly before New Year's Eve ? It is enough to try one of the proposeddiets.They will allow to lose even 3-4 kg in a few days. Remember that they cannot be used for more than a week! Otherwise, the organism may weaken.

How to lose weight quickly before New Year's Eve?

Herbal diet

In a herbal diet, the main role is played by herbs that burn fat, such as Yerba Mate, and diuretic herbs that cleanse the body of toxins, such as nettle.

The weight loss process is also supported by herbs that regulate digestion, such as oregano and herbs that suppress the appetite, such as psyllium. Thanks to them, you do not have to restrict the menu in a restrictive way for the diet to bring the expected results.

Apple diet

Apples are a rich source of pectin - fiber which, when swelling in the stomach, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time and prevents the attacks of wolf hunger.

Equally important, fiber is an effective weapon in the fight for a flat stomach. Thanks to it, you will quickly get rid of unsightly folds and emphasize the waist. Fiber supports intestinal peristalsis, preventing food residues from sticking in them.

Multi-vegetable diet

If for a few days your menu is dominated by vegetables: raw, steamed or in a small amount of water, as well as vegetable soups and vegetable juices, you will surely lose a few kilos quickly.

Vegetables are characterized by a low energy value and, additionally, they are an excellent source of fiber, which has the same properties as pectin.

Plum diet

To quickly lose a few kilos, just pour boiling water over the dried plums in the glass (about 10 pieces) in the evening and put them aside overnight. Then in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink water and eat plums. Then pour boiling water over 10 plums again and set them aside until the evening. Water and plums are eaten beforesleeping.

Plums accelerate weight loss because they regulate digestion and prevent constipation. During the slimming treatment, the menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, lean meats or fish, and fermented dairy products.

Juice diet

During the juice diet, drink freshly squeezed fruit juices or vegetable juices between low-calorie meals.

In the morning it is best to reach for fruit juices, preferably apple or grapefruit, which will speed up the metabolism. Drinking sauerkraut juice on an empty stomach can also bring spectacular effects.

In the evening, it is better to choose vegetable juices with less calories, the taste of which can be enhanced with spices that accelerate fat burning, e.g. chili or ginger. You should drink about 1 liter of this type of juice daily.

Kefir diet

Kefir, which is the basis of this slimming treatment, not only stimulates metabolism, but also supports intestinal peristalsis, which has a positive effect on fat burning and cleansing the body of toxins and other unnecessary metabolic products.


The proposed diets are intended only for he althy people! Therefore, before using them, it is worth consulting a doctor or nutritionist. It is worth knowing that the contraindications to the use of fast diets are, among others, diseases of the circulatory system, digestive system or diabetes.
