Colon irrigation or hydrocolonoscopy is treated by many people as a method of losing weight, it is also gaining popularity as a method of treating hemorrhoids. Meanwhile, there are no scientific grounds or studies confirming the effectiveness of hydrocolonoscopy, also known as hydrocolonotherapy. However, there are many opinions that this method is dangerous for the body.

Colon irrigationorhydrocolonoscopy , also known ashydrocolonotherapy , is still a controversial method of medicine an alternative that has no scientific basis and is not recognized as a therapeutic method by academic medicine. Deep flushing of the colon with water - as advocates of this method say - is designed to remove worthless, toxic and hardened food debris accumulated in the lumen of the colon from the body. In their opinion, rinsing the intestine improves its perist altic movements, and therefore facilitates defecation. However, this is only a one-off effect. The fact that the weight drops immediately after the procedure does not mean that it is an effective method of losing weight.
In addition, flushing the intestines, i.e. doing them out at work, can lead to what we call a lazy gut, i.e.bowel movementwill be even more difficult. In addition, the natural bacterial flora is flushed out along with the contents of the intestines, without which the digestive process is difficult.


This seemingly safe procedure for some people may end up with damage to the intestinal wall or even perforation.

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