Road s alt in food products, counterfeit dried eggs, meat with dioxins. With each such scandal, we ask ourselves: how is this possible ?! It is followed by the next one: who makes sure that food is he althy, safe and of good quality?
Food control in Poland is de alt with by several institutions. Commercial quality - whether the information provided on the packaging is true, whether the producer is not cheating and does not underestimate the declared amount of butter in butter, and the veal sausage is actually made of veal or only with its addition - is checked by the Commercial Quality Inspection of Agricultural and Food Products (IJHARS ) and the Trade Inspection subordinate to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
The latter assesses whether food is adulterated, conducts inspections in retail trade - in shops, wholesalers and production plants directly supplying consumers. As for most food products there are no statutory requirements in terms of organoleptic characteristics and physicochemical parameters, it is important to control the correctness of labeling, i.e. what is on the label.
- The producer is obliged to provide all ingredients - says Marcin Kraszewski from the Polish Chamber of Commerce. - It often turns out that, for example, yoghurt is not exactly yogurt, but rather kissel, because there is a lot of modified starch or gelatin.