The first day in kindergarten is getting closer. What to do to prevent the toddler and parents from tears and unnecessary stress from going to kindergarten? We advise on how to talk to a child and familiarize him with the kindergarten, what to do to make his adaptation in the kindergarten take place without any problems.

Going tokindergartenevokes great emotions in both the child and the parents. Not allchildrentolerate separation from their mother well (especially if she was at home with her so far) and adapting to a new place. You can help your child settle in in thekindergarten painlessly ! Find out in advance what your toddler will need in kindergarten. A three-year-old will definitely have to have bedding, pajamas, a change of clothes and a layette - crayons, colored paper, a folder for drawings. It is worth buying them in advance so thatchildgets used to new things. The day before going to kindergarten, prepare your clothes, your favorite cuddly toy, your family photo. Remind your child that they will soon be a preschooler, but don't talk about it for too long, as it would stimulate their imagination. Before going to kindergarten for the first time, get up early enough not to do anything nervously or in a hurry. Easy to eat breakfast (but light, because it will also be in kindergarten), get dressed - and off you go.

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The first days in kindergarten are best with a parent

In the kindergarten's locker room, undress the toddler and walk with him into the room. In some kindergartens, parents may be with their children during the first days - it is worth taking advantage of this option. Don't sneak out when your toddler starts to play, or when he realizes you're gone, he'll start crying. If you need to leave, tell your child about it, make sure your child is coming back, say when (after lunch, after resting) - and keep your word. If your baby is clinging to you and cries, give him a hug for a while and then, if he is still crying, ask the preschooler for help. She will cuddle the baby after you leave. Maybe it is a poor consolation, but most toddlers play with other children after a while after separating from their parents.

Learn about children's activities in kindergarten

The preschooler gets sick more often - work on immunity

Children in the group develop better,but they also get sick more often. One child who has a cough is enough for most children to be sick the next day. However, you still have time to try to temper your baby. It's best to go to the seaside and let your child suddenly fall into the cool water after playing on the beach in the hot sand. Blood vessels then adapt to sudden temperature changes, which is invaluable in autumn and winter. If this is not possible, make sure your child spends several hours outside each day. Movement in the fresh air makes the blood circulate faster, the body is oxygenated and easier to get used to temperature changes. Also, make sure your little one eats plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as a diet rich in vitamins and minerals also supports the immune system.

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