Discoloration, i.e. unsightly spots on the skin may appear at different ages. Most often, however, they are the bane of the elderly. What are the causes of discoloration? How can I get rid of them? Learn about home remedies and more.
- Discoloration in a senior - causes
- Discoloration in a senior and birthmarks
- Discoloration in a senior - home remedies
- Discoloration in seniors - dermatological treatments
Discoloration in seniors , i.e. dark spots on the skin, appear mainly under the influence of the sun. Its rays stimulate the melanocytes to work intensively - cells that produce melanin, the brown pigment of the skin. The number of melanocytes themselves increases with age. In places where the most of them accumulate, unsightly spots appear.
Discoloration in a senior - causes
The sun is not the only culprit - other factors that activate melanin secretion or sensitize the skin to UV rays are the most common factors. They include, among others hormonal imbalance, which is why discoloration often appears during pregnancy, menopause or oral contraception.
It is risky to be exposed to the sun while taking certain medications (e.g. tetracyclines, salicylates, antimalarials).
Stains on the skin also remain after contact with photosensitizing substances found in, for example, cosmetics (alcohol perfumes, creams with retinol, fruit acids, benzoyl peroxide) or in plants (infusion of St. John's wort, wormwood, parsley).
When discolorations appear, not only are they difficult to remove, but also have a tendency to recur. Therefore, the fight against them is not easy, but long-term; but if you act systematically - you will win.
Discoloration in a senior and birthmarks
It is sometimes difficult to correctly judge what a dark spot on the skin really is. Discoloration is only a pigmentation disorder, but birthmarks can look similar - changes caused by a deficiency or excess of a certain type of tissue, which are often melanocytic changes.
You have to handle them carefully, as some birthmarks tend to be malicious. So before you decide to lighten discolorations, go toa dermatologist. A short, completely painless examination is enough to check the type of pigmented lesion. In addition, it allows you to assess its depth - and this determines the selection of an effective method of removing discoloration. They can be limited only to the epidermis, but they can also reach deeper, up to the dermis.
Discoloration in a senior - home remedies
Home methods of removing discoloration will work well in the case of shallow discoloration located only in the epidermis. Be prepared for the fact that you will definitely lighten the stains significantly, but not completely remove them. The treatment is tedious because the effects are visible after 2-3 months at the earliest, but it has the advantage that it is gentle and does not interfere with everyday tasks. And, not least: its cost is also much lower than that of professional treatments.
The choice of depigmentation cosmetics is large - most often they contain hydroquinone, vitamins A, C, arbutin, fruit acids, kojic acid, lipoic acid, azelaic acid or phytic acid in not very high concentrations. It is best to start the treatment with a peeling or a home dermabrasion treatment. In this way, you will remove dead skin cells and immediately even out the skin tone. Bleaching cosmetics will also be easier to absorb afterwards.
If the spots are small, choose a preparation with a special applicator that facilitates the point application of the cosmetic. When the stains are larger, use the preparation as if you were applying a regular cream, but avoid the eye area, because acids can irritate delicate skin.
Cosmetics used in this treatment make the skin more sensitive to UV rays, so you must always check which ones can be used for the day and which can be used only for the night. Also remember that in the fight against discoloration, protection from the sun is of key importance. Every day, even on a cloudy day, so protect your skin with a preparation with a high UV filter (at least SPF 30).
Discoloration in seniors - dermatological treatments
With mixed stains (melanin has accumulated in the epidermis and dermis) or deep stains (melanin is only in the dermis) you have no chance of winning by applying only home treatment. Getting rid of such discoloration requires dermatological or aesthetic medicine treatments.
The highly depigmenting treatments also include chemical peels - with fruit acids from the alpha-hydroxyl group (AHA) and a deeper peeling based on trichloroacetic acid (TCA). After the treatment (usually you have to take 3 or 4), the skin is red and then it starts to exfoliate a lot.
Various types of laser treatments are also good at removing discoloration(e.g. fractional, neodymium-yag). The laser light reaches the clusters of pigment cells in the dermis and destroys them without affecting other structures. After the treatment (one is often enough, if not, the next one is done after a few weeks) the skin is usually red and tense. The spots first darken, after a few days the skin peels off intensely. All these treatments (except Cosmelan) make the skin more sensitive to the sun's rays, so you need to use a cream with a high UV protector for the day during the entire treatment.
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