In 90 percent of cases, sciatica symptoms gradually regress on their own. The nucleus pulposus reduces the pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves, and the broken ring heals. However, this self-healing process takes about 6 weeks. And you are suffering during this time!
An acute attack of sciaticacauses tremendouspainand there is no miracle pill to eliminate its cause. In the case of sciatica, the body needs to heal itself, but we can help it.
Sciatica: NSAIDs will reduce pain
At this time, painkillers (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants prescribed by your doctor can reduce your suffering. Sometimes, perioral injections of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are also used. They only alleviate the pain without eliminating the cause of the disease. But there are other ways to relieve pain.
Sciatica: kinesiotherapy will help
Kinesiotherapy can help him - a special set of McKenzie exercises. Initially, we perform it under the supervision of a physiotherapist, then at home alone. If you keep repeating it after the symptoms of sciatica are gone, it will prevent another attack. Also follow the principles of the prevention of spine diseases, especially take care of the proper performance of everyday activities, such as sitting, lifting heavy objects, bending over.
Acute sciatica attack: what to do?
In acute sciatica it is good to lie on your side for 1-3 days, with your legs tucked in (between your knees) or in a chair position (on your back, legs bent at right angles at the hip and knee joints and supported) on pillows). Then you have to get up and move, because lying down longer is not conducive to self-healing.
Sciatica: when surgery is needed
It happens, however, that a fragment of the nucleus pulposus gets wedged in the spinal canal, especially in the area of the intervertebral foramen, where the spinal nerve root and the ganglion are located. Then an operation is necessary (microdiscectomy), which involves the removal of the nucleus pulposus that oppresses the nerve structures. This is the only way to be free from excruciating pain. Therefore, in the case of sciatica, an MRI should always be performed, which allows the doctor to assess whether there is a chance ofself-healing, or treatment will be necessary.
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