October 29 is World Cerebral Stroke Day. Jacek Rozenek and the organizers of the STOP UDAROM campaign encourage Poles to deliver a message that may save lives.

Every year, a stroke kills around 30,000 people in our country. According to statistics, it is the third cause of death, after heart disease and cancer, and the first cause of permanent disability of Poles over 40. Every 6.5 minutes someone in Poland experiences a stroke, which means that over 220 people are affected by the disease every day. It can occur in anyone - at any age, anywhere, at any time, also during a pandemic.
Therefore, on the occasion of the World Brain Stroke Day 2022, the largest patient organizations and scientific societies operating in the field of stroke, share with Poles a special message under the slogan "IMPACT ALERT" and encourage them to pass it on, hoping that most people will learn what the symptoms of a stroke are and how to respond when they appear. The actorJacek Rozenek , who suffered a stroke last year, was once again involved in the educational campaign. This year, the Polish Association of Medical Rescuers has also joined the group of partners.
The motto of this year's "IMPACT ALERT" is "Let (yourself) be saved". The organizers want to draw Poles' attention to the fact that knowing the symptoms of a stroke, calling an ambulance immediately and knowing what information should be provided to the dispatcher by calling 999 or 112, can save our life or that of another person suffering from a stroke.
-Immediate call for an ambulance and providing specialist help has a direct impact on the further fate of the patient.The more efficiently the medical interview during the call, the sooner the patient will receive help . During the conversation, the caller should carefully listen to the dispatcher and follow his guidelines - the entire rescue operation depends on it - with , Ireneusz Szafraniec, President of the Elect of the Main Board of the Polish Society of Medical Rescuers, comes to his attention.- It is important that the person calling for medical help reported 3 basic information:what are the symptoms, who needs help, where is the sick person- he adds.
-The stroke comesunexpectedly. It is impossible to prepare for it and in no case should you underestimate the signals that may inform you about it - saysJacek Rozenek , actor who suffered a stroke . -I was very lucky that a complete stranger was disturbed by my behavior, that he recognized the symptoms and immediately called an ambulance. I decided to get involved in the "IMPACT ALERT" campaign precisely because I experienced for myself the importance of careful evaluation and immediate reaction. In addition, on my own example, I found out how much hard work must be put in overcoming the consequences of a stroke- explains the actor.
-Through the "IMPACT ALERT" we encourage Poles to remember the basic symptoms of a stroke, thanks to the simple expansion of the acronym of the word UDAR: U- difficult speech,D - hand / hand sloping,A- lip asymmetry,R- react immediately! Call 112 or 999! - saysSebastian Szyper , President of the Udarowcy Association - Support matters!
The message "IMPACT ALERT" has been prepared this year in various forms: as graphics that can be shared, for example, via MMS or social media, as well as in the form of short video and audio spots. "IMPACT ALERT" will also be noticeable thanks to the educational graphics placed on buildings in 3 cities in Poland (at 4 Sobieskiego Street in Warsaw, Aleja Card. Stefan Wyszyńskiego / ul. Kamiennej / Aleja Armii Krajowej in Bydgoszcz and at ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza / Aleja Józef Piłsudski and Drewnowska Street in Łódź). The organizers and partners of the STOP UDAROM social campaign invite you to read and share the "IMPACT ALERT".

-We invite everyone to pass on to their loved ones the "IMPACT ALERT"so that the warning about a dangerous disease which is a stroke is sent and remembered by as many people as possible. Quick reaction is what counts.If the patient arrives at the hospital stroke department at the right time, he has a chance to avoid the serious consequences of the disease- explains Włodzimierz, MD, PhDKrzysztof Dłużyński, President of the Management Board of the Brain Stroke Foundation -Mitigating the effects of a stroke can be difficult and long-lasting, requiring a lot of patience and self-denial from the patient. Rehabilitation is of great importance in recovery, but to start it at all, medical assistance is necessary.The sooner it comes from the moment the symptoms are recognized, the greater the chances of reducing the patient's disability in the future.
Moreinformation about the IMPACT ALERT (message in the form of graphics, audio spot, video spot and other educational materials) can be found on the website of the social campaign STOP UDAROM -www.stopudarom.plandFB-stop-impact profile.alerting