The weighted blanket, also known as the sensory blanket, is more and more often recommended by sensory integration specialists, primarily to children, but not only - it can also be used by adults. It is worth it, because the weighted blanket makes it easier to fall asleep, allows the body to regenerate more fully, reduces anxiety and improves concentration. What is the help of a weighted blanket, who should use it, how to choose a weighted blanket to suit your needs?
The weighted blanket (sensory blanket)until recently was a product known to a small group of people - most often parents of children who, for various reasons, required sensory integration therapy.
Currently, sensory blankets are also more and more often used by adults who are tired of everyday life, overwhelmed with excess stimuli and unable to cope with reality, which manifests itself in a number of ailments, including nervousness and problems with falling asleep, as well as difficulty concentrating.
According to the opinions of experts and observations of people who use such quilts, sleeping under a weighted blanket allows you to gain a number of benefits, and the first effects appear even after just a few days. What is a weighted blanket, who should sleep under it and what does it do?
What is a weighted blanket?
The weighted blanket looks like a regular duvet. The difference can be noticed - or rather felt - only when you pick it up. Ordinary quilts are usually filled with down, feathers or synthetic filler, while weighted quilts - with glass granules (such as is used in some toys), or natural, washed and washed several times. fired oval-shaped gravel, which ensures optimal load level.
The filling is imperceptible to the touch, and the quilt itself is made of fabric, which, despite the perceptible load, allows you to feel comfortable in every respect: it is soft, breathable, protects against night cold, and at the same time does not allow overheating. Usually, for this purpose, smooth cotton, silk, fabrics with a blend of linen are used.
How does the weighted blanket work?
Weighted blanket (sensory) thanks to the fact that it isquite heavy, it presses the human body against the mattress during sleep, thus stimulating the proprioceptive system, i.e. the system of deep feeling.
The receptors of this system (proprioceptors) are present in muscles, tendons, joints, ears and eyes, and they tell the brain what we are doing; this sense also allows, among others to feel the awareness of the body - whether we are sitting, lying down, standing - and to make precise movements, even without eye control, which translates, among others, into on emotional security and the ability to properly find oneself and function in society.
Stressing the body during sleep allows - in a nutshell - to stimulate the proprioceptive system, which results in its better work. It has a calming effect on people who are over-stimulated, and on people whose senses are insufficiently sensitive, it has a stimulating effect.
Weighted blanket - what problems does it help?
Sleeping under a weighted blanket helps to reduce e.g. disorders and effects resulting from diseases and conditions such as ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, Down's syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, autism, as well as in sensory integration disorders. In this case, however, children are always recommended by a specialist in sensory integration, as it is an element of comprehensive therapy.
Adults sleeping under a sensory blanket can help in the case of integration problems undiagnosed in childhood and the resulting hyperactivity, as well as irritability, apathy, inability to organize or problems with concentration.
But not only: weighted blankets for adults can also be a rescue in the case of insomnia, nervous tension and life under constant stress. They help reduce anxiety and reduce the level of stress - by sleeping under a weighted blanket, we gain a sense of relaxation and peace. Some therapists recommend it for restless legs syndrome, the first symptoms of Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, or even dementia. Weighted blankets are also used in people with epilepsy, bipolar disorder, depression or fibromyalgia, as well as in the case of various types of neurosis and post-traumatic stress disorder.
It is worth remembering, however, that in the event of serious he alth problems, the weighted blanket may only be part of the therapy, and its purchase does not exempt you from medical consultation and following the specialist's recommendations.
Weighted blanket - how to choose the best one?
How to choose a weighted blanket? Best in consultation with a specialist, because it is not that easy. In order for the quilt to fulfill its purpose, it must be selected not so much for the size of the bed, but also for the size of the bedto the mass of the person who will sleep under it. It is assumed that the weight of the blanket should be about 10%. adult body weight and 10-15 percent. the child's weight.
In some cases, the quilt should be slightly lighter or slightly heavier. You should not buy it too much (bearing in mind that the child will grow up quickly) or too light ("because I'm going to lose weight") - not only will it not fulfill its task, but in some cases it can even be harmful.