My problem is in the area of ​​the throat, larynx, neck - pain, shortness of breath, infections, tight throat. Are there any exercises to restore proper energy circulation? I suppose it has been disturbed. Can I do such exercises myself at home?

Of course, we can help ourselves by using various methods (techniques) to restore positive energy in the body. The key is to put your thoughts in order and remove those that keep you from feeling a happy, valuable person. Let's take a look, what can we do for ourselves today right now? Maybe a haircut change? A good aromatic bath? Cinema? Book? It doesn't matter where we start, but it's important that we can start changing our way of looking at the world today. Since we create our reality, let's invite thoughts like: "I feel great" or "Today will be a good day", "I feel safe now and always". Let's imagine what our day will be like, what nice things it can bring to us. With such an attitude, we can have a lot of nice and nice events. As you can see, we can immediately change our attitude towards life without further ado. Physical fitness is very important because it triggers the flow of joyful energy in us and allows us to release stress from the body and mind. So all walks in the open air, cycling, tai chi (Chinese gymnastics), learning ballroom dancing, swimming will be good. Physical movement will release the resulting tensions and free the body from toxins. Every internal organ will benefit from this, because the beneficial energy will flow there too, which will relax it. Let's create moments where we can be alone and use relaxation combined with visualization. It is about silencing all your thoughts and focusing on your breathing, imagining how by inhaling the air we invite strength, peace and power into our body. When we exhale, we imagine ourselves exhaling all tensions from our entire body. If we exercise a little, the mind will calm down more easily and it will benefit the whole body. If we are unable to cope with ourselves, you can go to an energotherapist who, in addition to giving energy, can also use visualizations. However, it is worth asking him about it during the first visit because not everyone uses them. If so, we ask him to consider youproblem and helped free the mind and body from the blockages that arose. You can use hand acupressure yourself (booklet available in the bookstore), which is designed to balance the energy flow in the body and calm the mind. Mudras (hand layouts), which can also be used at home, work in a similar way. I recommend the book by the author of Krystyna Alagor, "Old Indian treatment (mudras)". In special esoteric bookstores you can buy books that have appropriate visuals, which can be useful when an energotherapist is not nearby. We use the affirmations by reading directly from a book or recording them on an audio tape or other sound carrier. Listening to such a recording, it is easier for us to relax and unwind our body. Of course, there are also ready-made CDs with visualizations, but it would be good at the beginning of this path to find the right texts yourself, which will help you get straight. There is no golden cure for problems. We have to face them, whether we like it or not, not treating them as punishment, but a lesson that needs to be "learned" to become a wise, strong, optimistic woman. The sooner we realize it, the easier it is for the joy and meaning of life to return.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor. Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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