Do you get sick often? Continuous infection in adults is a good cause for concern. We advise you what to do when you get sick often and when the frequency of diseases should worry you.
Do you get sick often?More often than your wife, husband, friends? Frequent diseases are the domain of children, but it happens that an adult also constantly gets a cold or, worse, more serious respiratory infections.
Why is this happening? After all, a 30- or 40-year-old has a much more efficient immune system compared to a few-year-old. Theoretically yes, but unfortunately there are many factors that weaken our immunity.To avoid frequent illnesses, you need to eliminate themand additionally strengthen the immune system by natural means.
Causes of frequent illness in adults - stress
There are many factors that lower our immunity. These can be a variety of he alth conditions that negatively affect the immune system (cancer and chemotherapy, AIDS, etc.), but usually the cause is more minor.
Immunity is weakened by, for example, cigarettes or lack of sleep and adequate rest.But the most important reason for a decline in immunity these days is stress.It affects everyone and has a terrible effect on the immune system. Angina before the exam, diarrhea before talking to the boss - this is the everyday life of many adults.
The stressful situation affects immunity. A good specialist looks at the patient holistically. If he sees that he keeps coming back to him with recurring infections, he should get to the root of the problem. For example, in the case of the aforementioned mourning, it may be necessary to visit a psychologist to get rid of physical ailments?
Causes of frequent illness in adults - antibiotics
The mere fact of recurring infections also weakens the immune system. Many infections, especially those complicated by low immunity, turn into more serious diseases that require antibiotics.
The antibiotic kills all bacteria, including the good ones that protect us against pathogens. It destroys the stomach flora, and90 percent of the immunity comes from the abdomen . Then such a sterilized organism in contact with microbesabsorbs them like a sponge.
So if we are already using antibiotic therapy, it is worth rebuilding the bacterial flora by taking probiotics so that the intestine is rebuilt and functions well. But it's best to avoid antibiotics at all, strengthening your immunity naturally, adds the doctor.
Causes of frequent illness in adults - diet
Another important factor contributing to a lower immunity is a diet low in vitamins, minerals and omega acids - deficiency, e.g. Vitamins C, A, iron and zinc contribute to more diseases. Experts emphasize, however, that the real problem of Poles is vitamin D deficiency, which affects all body functions, including the work of the immune system.
Vitamin D should be supplemented properly throughout the year, because many chronic diseases are vitamin dependent. In autumn and winter, we lack the sun that synthesizes it in the skin, and in summer we use filters. That is why there is a decline in the efficiency of the bone and muscle system, civilization diseases such as diabetes appear. But most of all, we are unable to deal with pathogenic microbes.
When are frequent infections a cause for concern?
Adults get sick 2-3 times a year on average.Scientists from Imperial College London and institutes in the US and China have studied the frequency of flu and found that it decreases with with age. From the age of 30, infection with the influenza virus occurred in the respondents once every five years.
Most people get colds and flu-like infections in the fall and winter, but you can catch a cold at any time of the year. Women, especially those between the ages of 20 and 30, suffer more frequently, possibly due to closer contact with children anddue to cyclical hormonal fluctuationsthat affect their immunity.
These are the norms. And how many infections should we be concerned about? The situation whenan adult gets viral infections at least once a month, or several times a year suffers from serious diseases , e.g. pneumonia, should be alarming. This is a situation that requires consulting a doctor, performing tests and, on the basis of them, developing a method of strengthening immunity.
How to support immunity so as not to get sick often?
First of all, you have totake care of proper hygiene of life . This phrase covers a proper, well-balanced and varied diet, adequate amount of sleep, physical activity, as well as giving up stimulants, mainly cigarettes.
Research shows thatlack of sleep and fatigue by weakening the cells responsible for destroyingviruses and cancer cells, andthey also lower the level of lymphocytes. Instead, they increase the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cortisol, a stress hormone that has a terrible effect on immunity.
On the other hand, physical activity, especially in the open air, has the opposite effect, i.e. it strengthens the mechanisms that fight against viruses and bacteria.
Variable air temperatures harden the bodyand teach it to react to cold or overheating, and exercise has a positive effect on its condition because it oxygenates and nourishes every cell of the human body.
If our lifestyle is impeccable, and we still have infections, let's take care of natural ways to strengthen immunity.
Elderberry juice is an excellent prophylactic preparation, which everyone should prepare before the fall-winter season. Honey, known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, or onion syrup will also work.
According to the expert, it is also worth reaching for natural homeopathic substances that stimulate the immune system and that can be safely used at any age. They strengthen the body's reactions to pathogens, and also alleviate the symptoms of ailments caused by them.
Worth knowingSometimes it is worth getting yourself tested to find out what is causing your frequent recurring infections. The condition of our organism is best illustrated by morphology. It is important to measure the level of iron, a deficiency of which causes a decrease in immunity.
Sometimes a doctor will refer the patient to immunological tests, which assess the efficiency of his immune system, i.e. assess the levels of antibodies.
Read also:
Immunity - 9 ways to strengthen the body's immunity
Why is immunity dropping? Reasons for the weakened immunity
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