Looking for a long time candidate for a wife? I'm not demanding, but I'm shy. This shyness greatly restricts my contacts with women. I can't get involved with another person right away, enough to come into closer contact. I am getting tired of fears for my future in life.

It would be good to raise your self-esteem a little, which does not allow you to live peacefully. However, nothing will do by itself and you have to get a grip at the beginning and go out to people. Stay in places where something interesting is happening. To identify such places, the Internet will certainly be useful, as it will indicate where exhibitions, concerts and vernissages are held. Where people meet to go for a walk together or learn to walk with poles (Nordic Walking method). Perhaps it is worth signing up for a dance course, where a lot of girls come who want to learn to dance, but have no partners. Therefore, during such a course, you can make interesting and cool friendships. Enrolling in a foreign language course may result in meeting an interesting girl, which will naturally allow you to establish a thread of friendship, and then may result in great love. You can learn to calm down and control your emotions by attending tai chi, yoga, meditation or conscious breathing classes. Such classes will give you a sense of self-worth and security, and will allow you to look at the surrounding world from a different - further perspective. You may find that what frustrated you no longer matters. As you can see, there are many places and ways to take care of yourself. When you are bursting with joy and humor, you will surely attract the interest of the opposite sex, and that is something! Building your future is worth starting today, so please turn on positive thinking and start looking for ways to spend your free time. It is not worth worrying about whether you will be able to keep a job, have money or a family. Such destructive thoughts weaken your energy and will to act. The method of small steps works best, i.e. tasks that we set ourselves today and consistently implement them.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor.Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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