Alkaline ionized water ("living water") is water that supposedly has unique properties. Among other things, because it is more "wet" than regular water - argue its supporters. In addition, it contains very large amounts of free electrons, and its structure is the same as that of the fluids inside our body, they add. Thanks to this, it protects against all possible diseases, including, of course, cancer. It is not hard to guess that this is total nonsense that has nothing to do with science. Check what properties ionized water really has.
Alkaline water (ionized , or " living water ") is water that is becoming more and more popular. The promoters of "living water", and in particular the producers and sellers of water ionizers and structurizers, mention a number of its remarkable properties and the ability to cure many diseases. Meanwhile, ionized water is a term that refers to metaphysics and environments dealing with broadly understood supernatural phenomena. A term that has nothing to do with science.
Alkaline ionized water, or "living water"
Ionized water, or "living water", is water electrolysed using a dedicated device that converts ordinary tap water into two fractions:
- "living water", whitish in color and alkaline, intended for drinking. This is howalkaline water , i.e.alkaline water
- "dead water" with a yellowish color, pungent, corrosive odor and acidic reaction, which can be used for rubbing the skin ( acidic water )
However, under the term "living water" there are also other types of water:
- structured water
Water which is subjected to a magnetic field "identical to the Earth's magnetic field", and thus adopts a hexagonal (hexagonal) structure suitable for the organism. The structure is supposed to make the water water better, and thus it becomes a fairy-tale “living water”.
- model water
Water where at least 50% of the composition are ortho-clusters, and the remainder is para-clusters. It can be obtained with the help of water activators (balls, washers, cups) of a suitable company. Of course, for the right price. The water obtained in this way is supposedly the same as the water naturally present in the human body.
The term "living water" also appears in the New Testament, in the Gospel of John and in the Apocalypse. It refers to the Holy Spirit who is the source of life and energy. It is also used in fairy tales to refer to a substance that brings back life to the dead, undo spells, and heals disease.
Alkaline ionized water ("living water") - properties
What are the purported properties of ionized alkaline water? Its supporters argue that:
- is alkaline (pH greater than 7.5)
- has lowered ORP (oxidation-reduction) potential
- contains antioxidants
- cleanses the body of toxins
- adds energy
- hydrates cells much better than ordinary water and improves the absorption of nutrients
- causes better plant growth
- destroys cancer cells
- improves blood oxygenation
- improves the functioning of the circulatory system and the heart
- supports the immune system. Reduces the incidence of diseases
- prevents skin dryness, psoriasis and wrinkles
- prevents constipation
- promotes weight loss
- counteracts fatigue, headaches, tinnitus
- prevents depression
- reduces the need for insulin in diabetics
- prevents allergies and asthma.
- And finally the best - it increases DNA quality by 30% (!). What does that even mean? And what precision - no less than 30%.
Ionized alkaline water ("living water") - how to make?
Ionized water is a form of "living water" that has gained popularity as an alternative healing method. Tomasz Pluciński, PhD in Chemical Sciences, a long-time lecturer at the University of Gdańsk, promoter of science, explains what happens during the production of "living and dead water".
Ionizers consist of two electrodes made of stainless steel, which are placed in a cover. A canvas bag is placed over one of the electrodes. A cable with a power plug is connected to the cover. There is a rectifying diode inside the lid. The device enables electrolysis of the solution at a maximum voltage of approx. 310 V.
On an electrode without a shield, water reduction takes place, i.e. its decomposition into gaseous hydrogen and hydroxide ions OH-. These ions are responsible for the alkaline reaction of the solution.
The whitish, cloudy color of the water comes from the precipitating calcium and magnesium s alts present in the tap water. Many processes take place on the shielded electrode, producing "dead water" as a result. The first is the breakdown of water, in which the product is H + ions responsible for acidic acidpH of the solution.
With such a high voltage, the electrode made of stainless steel will corrode. The yellowish color of the solution is given by iron ions Fe3 +. Iron ions come from the electrode, which "dissolves" during electrolysis, releasing not only iron, but also chromium, vanadium, manganese and nickel ions. Soluble nickel compounds cause lung cancer.
In turn, chromium 6+ compounds cause damage to the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin changes, are carcinogenic, mutagenic, embryotoxic and teratogenic (they cause damage to the fetus at every stage of development).
On the other hand, vanadium is a heavy metal, some compounds of which are also very harmful to he alth.
According to Dr. T. Pluciński, producers and sellers of water ionizers should be punished for fraud. Not only do they endanger people's he alth and refer to their faith or naivety, but they also sell a device for huge sums that is worth a fraction of the price. "Living water" does not have miraculous healing properties, and "dead water" contains carcinogenic compounds.
At the same time, it should be noted that there is no such thing as "positively ionized", "negatively ionized" or permanently "ionized water".
After electrolysis of the solution (tap water is a solution containing various s alts), positive and negative ions are formed of the s alt components present in the water and the components that make up the water itself (electrolysis effect), but they are not water molecules with a positive or negative charge.
The whole solution must be electrically neutral (the same number of positive and negative ions). The pursuit of this neutrality occurs automatically. If a cation is formed in the solution, an anion is immediately formed. Otherwise, an electric discharge would occur.
Worth knowingSummarizing the sense of using ionized water, I quote a quote from Dr. T. Pluciński's statement: "For enthusiasts of these speci alties, I suggest a much cheaper method. Something identical to "living water" can be made with a portion of tap water heated to 80 degrees to remove most of the dissolved oxygen in it, and then adding a pinch of sodium carbonate.
You can make sodium carbonate by sprinkling a teaspoon of baking soda on a dry, hot pan. I suggest making something identical to "dead water" by adding 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to a glass of tap water, 2 drops of "Bielinka" for disinfecting the bathroom and throwing in a few fibers of a steel scouring pad (preferably slightly rusted) for 10 minutes. Maybe a drop of hydrogen peroxide … Was it unappetizing? Both measures will be just as effective as the camera's product400 PLN. "
Ionized alkaline water ("living water") cannot heal
The fact that the term "living water" refers to at least three different methods of producing it, and suggests each time that it is these specific properties that REAL "living water" is all about, should be food for thought.
So what heals? "Positive and negative ionization", "hexagonal structure of water" or "ortho-clusters"? There is only one answer to this - nothing. The mysterious "living water" produced by various devices sold for high sums does not have supernatural healing properties. A whitish solution from the ionizer may help with acidity.
There are also reports from animal studies about the possible he alth effects of drinking alkaline water.
Such water can, however, be produced without ionizing. In liquid water, maintaining the hexagonal arrangement of the molecules is impossible due to their typical liquid movement. On the other hand, the model water, "ortho-water", does exist, the same amount of water flows in the water supply as "steam-water" and it does not seem possible that it could be easily transformed into another.
Worth knowingAlkaline ionized water ("living water") - price, where to buy?
The price of a water ionizer on the Internet ranges from about PLN 300 to over PLN 6,000. Its construction is trivial, and the ionizer can be made by yourself on the basis of a video with instruction available on the Internet. Although, of course, I do not encourage you.
Structured water and structured water - properties
The next "living water" is one, the molecules of which are to join and assume the shape of a hexagon. The hexagonal structure of water is normal, but only when the water is in a solid state, i.e. ice.
Yes, ice as a solid has an ordered structure, and water molecules connected by hydrogen bonds (a kind of bond that connects oxygen and hydrogen from neighboring water molecules) form into hexagons, which can be seen by looking at frozen snowflakes under a microscope. In liquid water, the situation is slightly different.
The structure of molecules is more chaotic, because kinetic energy increases due to higher temperatures, which means that the movements of molecules are faster and more frequent than in ice, which leads to the continuous breaking of hydrogen bonds and the formation of new ones. The water cannot be put in order permanently.
Even if the magnetic field generated by the structurizer would have this ability, after leaving the structurizer the water would start moving again because the magnetic field has a specific range.
In addition, experience shows thatthe action of a magnetic field on liquid water causes even more chaos in the movements of molecules, not more structuring.
Model water - properties
Another theory of "living water" operates around the notions of ortho- and para-clusters. The purportedly ortho-clusters are best for living organisms. The more para-clusters in the water, the worse it gets. According to the theory, tap water consists of 95% para-clusters, which can be transformed into ortho-clusters by means of special devices. But let's start from the beginning, that is to explain the concepts.
Water does form clusters. They are groups of water molecules linked by a hydrogen bond. As a result, water at room temperature is a liquid, not a gas. Hydrogen bonding is a specific type of bonding for dipoles. (Dipoli - molecules that have a positive and negative pole in their structure. Water belongs to them. The positive pole is located on the hydrogen, and the negative pole on the oxygen).
One of the applications of the terms "ortho-" and "para-" concerns the spin magnetic moment of an electron, means in simplification whether the electron on the shell rotates "to the right" or "to the left". In the case of water molecules, they are referred to as "para-water" when the electrons on two hydrogen atoms rotate in the opposite direction, and "ortho-water" when the electrons rotate in the same direction.
The molecules of these two isomers of water have practically identical physical properties, so it is extremely difficult to separate them. This separation has been achieved in the current decade, and the finding that one form of water reacts faster than the other is a discovery in the first half of 2022. All these experiments are performed under extreme conditions of temperature (absolute zero) and / or a very strong magnetic field.
In ordinary water, the proportion of ortho-water and vapor-water is roughly 50:50 (not 5:95 as suggested by the model water theory). At present, it does not seem realistic that a cup, washer, or ball would be able to create conditions that would allow a home to transform one water into another.
As of today, it is not known if it is real at all. Not to mention assigning one of the forms unusual properties.
In the case of the entire model water theory supposedly present in our bodies, several concepts are used that function separately in the world of science, but which together do not mean anything, are only an attempt to strengthen the message of the pseudoscientific theory.
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Pseudoscientific quotes - why is "living water" absurd?
Radosław Zakrzewski, diagnostician of the City of Women: "Living water is a high-organism fluid with appropriate biological parameters" - There is no such concept as "high-organism". It does not mean anything. There is, however, the term "body fluid", which is a general term for fluids found in cells and intercellular spaces of the body, such as blood, lymph, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid.
In the further statement of Mr. Zakrzewski, we read about the healing power of "living water", but everywhere there is no evidence or even rational explanation. And the most painful thing is that the statement was published by the Polish Press Agency on the Food Portal, which would seem to be a sensible source of information.
Press material AKTOM Water Activator: Changing the orientation of molecules means changed information and changed properties. To illustrate the issue even better, the example of graphite and diamond can be used. Both minerals are carbon. But how different their properties are! Graphite is black and brittle, and diamond is transparent and hard. The differences in these properties were caused by the different arrangement of atoms in the crystals of both minerals. AKTOM is to produce hexagonal structured water. Of course, graphite and diamond are different types of carbon with a different arrangement of atoms in the crystal. Exactly, IN A CRYSTAL. Solids have a very structured structure, but liquids do not. Molecules move constantly in liquids, therefore it is not possible to compare the structure of liquid water to any solid.
Press materials of the Visanto Water Structurizer: The parameters of water that make it so-called Living water is neither its Redox potential nor its high pH. These parameters are its structure and information provided by the undisturbed magnetic field of the Earth. (eg glacier water, water from healing springs etc …). I do not understand why the healing springs would be affected by the "undisturbed magnetic field of the Earth", and other sources, rivers or lakes already disturbed …
About the author
Food technologist, nutritionist, educator. A graduate of Biotechnology at the Gdańsk University of Technology and Nutritional Services at the Maritime University. A supporter of simple, he althy cuisine and conscious choices in everyday nutrition.
My main interests include building permanent changes in eating habits and individually composing a diet in accordance with the needs of the body. Because the same thing is not he althy for everyone!
I believe that nutritional education is very important, both among children and adults. I focus my activities on spreading knowledge about nutrition, analyze new research results, and make my own conclusions. I adhere to the principle that a diet is a lifestyle, not strict adherence to meals on a sheet of paper. There is always room for delicious pleasures in he althy and conscious eating.