It has been known for a long time that advanced age increases the risk of severe COVID-19. Now scientists have investigated which people under the age of 45 are at risk of developing this severe course of the disease. It turned out that some risk factors differ significantly.
The study was conducted by scientists from the Mayo Clinic, and the results of the analysis were published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
The research team analyzed data from 9859 COVID-19 infections that occurred between March and September 2022 among US residents, specifically - in 27 counties of south-eastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin, i.e. in the areas adjacent to the clinic Mayo located in Rochester.
The study also used data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project, which includes, inter alia, documentation of 1.7 million people under the care of various he althcare facilities.
As Dr. Jennifer St. Sauver, an epidemiologist at the Mayo Clinic and the first author of the study: “Medical care in our country is structured in such a way that a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in one hospital may be transferred to a completely different facility if their condition becomes serious. The Rochester Epidemiology project enabled us to track patients from diagnosis to cure, even when cared for in different settings. "
Analysis found that people under the age of 45 were three times more likely to experience severe COVID-19 ifsuffered from cancer, heart or blood disease, neurological or endocrine disorders- in the course of COVID-19, these diseases were much less important in the older age groups.
This study also found that among people with chronic diseases, those with developmental and personality disorders, schizophrenia and other psychoses areat the highest risk of severe COVID-19.
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