The diet for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is basically not much different from the he althy, balanced diet that each of us should follow. However, there are certain rules of food composition in the course of COPD that the patient should follow in order not to exacerbate the course of the disease. Check what diet rules for COPD and what you can and can't eat.
DietofCOPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)is a diet that the patient should follow to avoid exacerbation of the disease. In the course of COPD, the work of the diaphragm is increased, therefore, when arranging the daily menu, remember not to overload it with improperly composed meals.
Diet for COPD - rules
Patients with COPD should avoid eating heavy meals, as a large amount of them in the stomach hampers the work of the diaphragm - the main respiratory muscle. So it is not advisable to eat soup, main course and dessert at the same time. The sick person should eat little, but often.
In addition, you should eat your last meal a few hours (minimum 3) before going to bed. Otherwise, it may lead to nocturnal dyspnea, because in patients with COPD the diaphragm works less well in the supine position.
The patient's weight should be checked and the daily energy requirement should be assessed on this basis. It is impossible to lead to the development of overweight or obesity, because then the body needs more oxygen to properly oxygenate the excess tissues. In turn, being underweight causes weakening of the muscles, including the respiratory muscles. This last problem is the one most often faced by COPD patients, as the disease contributes to a lack of appetite and breathlessness when eating. Moreover, due to the pressure of the diaphragm on the stomach, the patient feels full early. That is why people who are emaciated should eat more caloric meals to strengthen the muscles, which also includes the diaphragm.
COPD diet - what can you eat? Recommended products
Meals containing a lot of fat are especially recommended, because the body needs less oxygen to digest and burn it than in the case of carbohydrates or proteins. Vegetable fats (olive oil) are especially recommended. If the patient chooses proteins, only those in the form of lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish) and preservesdairy products (yoghurts, cottage cheese and cottage cheese pastes). In the diet of COPD patients, high-fiber foods are also important, as they promote regular bowel movements. They are important because they do not accumulate gas due to the improved peristalsis of the intestines.
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People with COPD should avoid hard-to-digest, flatulent foods because the gases that accumulate in the intestines increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity and lift the diaphragm up, making it difficult to work. These include products such as legume seeds (peas, beans, broad beans), cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower cabbage).Diet for COPD - contraindicated products