A 1500 kcal diet provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. Men, people who are very obese or who perform heavy physical work will lose weight without harm to the body. In addition, the 1500 kcal diet can be used for a long time. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a 1500 kcal diet?
The 1500 kcal dietis not a way to lose weight quickly. It is rather a long-term effectivediet planthat allows you to lose weight he althily and avoid the yo-yo effect. When using a 1500 kcal diet, be patient, because you lose excess kilos slowly - from 1/2 to 2 kg per week. You can use the diet for a long time. By following the recommendations of the diet, you provide the body with 77 g of protein, 208 g of carbohydrates, 42 g of fat, about 25 g of dietary fiber to improve the functioning of the intestines and portions of essential vitamins and minerals.
1500 kcal diet: prohibited products
- limit the amount of sugar and s alt
- exclude fatty meats (pork, lamb, duck), offal and meat products (pates, canned food), fatty meats, as well as ready-made meals from jars, cans or bags (one serving contains even a daily dose of sodium)
- forget about breading and frying.

Author: Time S.A
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Find out more1500 kcal diet: products allowed
- fish,
- good quality beef, veal and poultry
- stewing, steaming, grilling and baking in foil are the right ways to cook food
- potatoes should be replaced with thick groats (e.g. buckwheat) or wholemeal noodles every other day
- replace light bread with wholemeal bread, which is a source of not only dietary fiber, but also many B vitamins
- replace full-fat dairy products with lean ones, cheese with white, and all fruit yoghurts, kefirs or buttermilk with their counterparts without the addition of fruit or sugar
- instead ofanimal fats choose vegetable. Spread a thin layer of soft margarine on the bread and add rapeseed oil or olive oil to the salads.
- between meals, remember to drink mineral water (at least 2 liters a day) or green, red, fruit and herbal tea. Coffee is also allowed, but with milk (2% fat at the most) and not cream.
1500 kcal diet: weight loss crisis
Despite strict adherence to the diet, after several weeks (this is an individual matter) you will reach the point where the weight stops at a certain level and will not want to drop. Why?
- First, as you lose weight, your body's energy requirements for vital functions decline and it burns less and less body fat.
- Secondly, the body slows down the metabolism and the digestive process by defending itself against the loss of energy reserves.
This is a very difficult time in losing weight. It is then easy to reach for chocolate or your favorite cookie for comfort, and then, silencing your conscience, skip a valuable meal. This way, it's easy to fall into a vicious circle. The diet would then become not very nutritious, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and well-being would deteriorate. Therefore, to overcome this crisis, you need to increase your physical activity.
The 1500 kcal diet requires physical activity
Try to walk quickly as much as possible (Nordic walking is great). Go on bike rides and sign up for the swimming pool. If you don't like the gym, take a dance course. Strenuous exercise will release the happiness hormone serotonin. In addition, regular physical activity will speed up your metabolism and activate your body fat reserves.
Yo-yo effect - how to avoid it
Did you lose weight? Way to go! However, this is not the end of the way to a slim figure. Maintaining the weight achieved is just as demanding as the diet. How to avoid the yo-yo effect. How to eat after a diet? Listen to the dietitian and he alth coach Elżbieta Lange.