Do you want to lose weight quickly? Here is the menu for 5 days - a slimming instant diet. Effective as long as the recommendations are followed. Use this diet when you want to lose weight quickly before a prom, wedding, party or vacation, to look great in an elegant outfit or fashionable bikini.
Sometimes we needto lose weight quickly- we are getting ready for an unexpected party in the company or at the last minute we are going to a carnival ball. Then a few daysdietsquickly and effectively slimming are the solution. We offer a tasty, but modestmenufor a week, as it is in an instant diet.
Slimming diet: menu - day 1
- Breakfast ok. 250 kcal
A slice of rye bread smeared with low-calorie margarine and salmon paste with radish sprouts, Chinese cabbage salad sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil (100 g), fruit tea without sugar
- 2nd breakfast approx. 100 kcal
Apple (100 g) and celery salad (100 g), sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil, a glass of still water.
- Lunch around 400 kcal
Smoked chicken salad, green tea without sugar.
- Afternoon tea ok. 100 kcal
Kiwi, mandarin.
- Dinner approx. 200 kcal
A tomato stuffed with mackerel, a slice of crispbread, red or green tea to drink.
Slimming diet: menu - day 2
- First breakfast approx. 250 kcal
A slice of whole grain bread smeared with low-calorie margarine with a lettuce leaf, lean sausage (100 g), tomato; coffee without sugar to drink.
- 2nd breakfast 100 kcal
A glass of pink grapefruit juice.
- Lunch 340 kcal
Rice salad, a cup of green tea without sugar.
- Afternoon tea ok. 100 kcal
- Dinner 203 kcal
Two slices of rye bread smeared with low-calorie margarine with two leaves of lettuce, two slices of smoked sirloin, tea without sugar to drink.
Slimming diet: menu - day3
- And breakfast ok. 300 kcal
Turkish roll, cottage cheese with a spoon of low sugar jam, coffee with milk
- 2nd breakfast approx. 100 kcal
A glass of mixed vegetable juice.
- Lunch 370 kcal
Kus-kus salad, a glass of fruit tea without sugar.
- Afternoon tea ok. 100 kcal
A slice of rye crispbread smeared with low-calorie margarine with a chicory leaf and a slice of Żywiec sausage, a glass of still water.
- Dinner 209 kcal
Baked (white) fish (150 g), baked potato, sauerkraut (150 g); tea without sugar to drink.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreSlimming diet: menu - day 4
- First breakfast approx. 300 kcal
Pancake with Danio cheese 150 g, sprinkled with thawed blueberries; drinking coffee with milk
- 2nd breakfast approx. 100 kcal
A slice of whole grain bread smeared with a spoon of Pastel (egg or tuna or shrimp) with a lettuce leaf and tomato (100 g), a cup of tea with lemon without sugar.
- Lunch around 400 kcal
Roasted chicken breast without skin (200 g), boiled whole grain rice (30 g dry), boiled carrots with peas (150 g), a cup of green tea without sugar.
- Tea 114 kcal
Steamed vegetables, a glass of still water (Broccoli with sprinkles: a little butter on the tip of a knife, s alt, pepper, 1 frozen broccoli, 1/4 teaspoon olive oil, garlic clove, teaspoon breadcrumbs, teaspoon chopped Boil the broccoli, drain the broccoli. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the garlic, add the breadcrumbs and brown it, add the parsley and peel. Sprinkle the vegetable with bread and parsley.
- Dinner approx. 200 kcal
Leek salad or spring onions, peas, hard-boiled eggs Slice of crispbread, green tea without sugar. (Salad: egg, spoon of heaped peas and chopped green onions a teaspoon of light mayonnaise. Hard-boil the egg and cut it. Mix with the peas and spring onions, mayonnaise. Season with s alt and pepper).
Slimming diet: menu - day 5
- And breakfast ok. 300 kcal
A slice of lean white cheese (70 g), a tablespoon of low-sugar jam, a slice of whole grain bread, fruit tea without sugar.
- 2nd breakfast approx. 150 kcal
Fruit yogurt + 3 dried plums.
- Lunch ok. 400 kcal
Pancake with spinach; still drinking water
- Afternoon tea around 150 kcal
Fruit salad: banana, mandarin, kiwi, a few raisins
- Dinner 223 kcal
100 g of roasted turkey breast, a slice of whole grain bread, a salad of tomato (100 g), onion (50 g), green cucumber (50 g) and olive oil, a glass of sugar-free green tea.