Daily physical activity is not only a responsibility of every human being, but also a habit leading to he alth and vitality. Nowadays, in most cases, people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which has a devastating effect on our body. However, these 6 obligatory daily exercises that we suggest will bring you the results you dream about!
It is said that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day is enough to keep the body he althy. However, these assumptions do not fully apply today. The average person sits around 8 hours at work today. In addition, there is sitting time spent on the way to work, when returning from work and during everyday life activities.
How do you feel about 30 minutes of daily activity in the face of this sedentary lifestyle? Nothing to say. We definitely need to move more and it's not about complicated high-intensity training, but simple, moderate physical activity. That is why we have prepared an instant training consisting of only 6 exercises that will bring surprising results for your figure and the whole body if you do it every day!
Exercise for everyone - why you should do simple exercises every day
Daily training consisting of a few basic exercises will certainly have a beneficial effect on the condition of our body and will bring us many he alth benefits! Simple exercises performed daily will help keep body fat levels low and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases such as diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and heart disease.
In addition, a few-minute daily training will support the immune system, improve blood circulation, oxygenate the body and have a positive effect on well-being. Regular physical activity increases the production of serotonin - the happiness hormone, lowers the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, and improves our vitality and adds energy! So what are you waiting for?
According to the recommendations of the World He alth Organization, every person should undertake moderate physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. The Nordic Nurition Recommendation, on the other hand, made a recommendation of 60 minutes a daymoderate-intensity activities.
It all depends on ourselves, but we must remember that we have only one he alth and must be respected. Therefore, a dozen or so minutes of simple exercises performed every day should be our duty and it will certainly be the most enjoyable duty in the world!
Exercises for everyone - how long does it take
The training consisting of the following six exercises may take 10 to 30 minutes or more. It all depends on how much time we can devote to training and, of course, on our willingness and commitment. However, even by doing this training for 10 minutes, but every day, we are able to build a proportional figure and keep the body he althy and in good shape.
The following exercises are multi-joint exercises, so they allow you to burn a large amount of calories in a fairly short time. What's more, by doing them, you will take care of each part of the body from different angles - visual, he alth, and developmental. The exercises are selected so that everyone can use them and take care of their body without the risk of injury.
Exercises for everyone - 6 mandatory exercises
1. Head Down Dog
A dog with its head down is one of the yoga poses, and if performed daily, it can do real miracles for our figure! A dog with its head down stretches the ischio-shin group, hips, spine muscles and chest muscles while strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. This exercise is mandatory especially for those who sit a lot or have little busy work on a daily basis. A dog with its head down also improves blood circulation, oxygenates the body and soothes the nervous system. By regularly performing this yoga position, we will take care of the mobility of our body, improve the proportions of the figure, reduce tension in the body and strengthen muscles and joints.
Assume a propped kneeling position and push your hands away from the mat while lifting your hips up and straightening your legs. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet the width of your lap spines. The legs do not have to be straight at the knees, but it is important to push yourself strongly against the mat with your hands and lengthen the spine as much as possible. Remember to pull down your shoulder blades and keep your shoulders well away from your ears. Keep the abdomen slightly tight. Over time, you may begin to straighten your knees.
Remember to breathe the diaphragm and take deep breaths. The air should spread throughout the abdomen, all the way to the loins. This will make you perfectly oxygenate your body and take care of proper breathing, which we often forget every day, especially when sitting.
A few in the galleryparagraphs below you will find a correctly performed dog position with its head down.
2. Board
Plank is an excellent exercise to strengthen the deep muscles of the body. They are responsible for the good stabilization of joints and bones and a sense of balance. Plank is an exercise involving almost all muscle groups, from the shoulders, back, chest, and ending with the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Moreover, the board is quite a demanding position for our body, thanks to which we can burn a lot of calories while exercising. The plank can be performed on both hands and elbows, but the latter option is much more difficult and will certainly bring more benefits to our figure.
To plank, rest your body on your elbows and feet and lift yourself up. Remember that the elbows are directly above the shoulders and the feet are close together and parallel. Keep your pelvis tucked up and keep your abdominal muscles under constant tension! If you do not tighten it, you will immediately feel it in the lumbar spine, which will be heavily loaded. Remember to tighten your buttocks and pull down your shoulder blades. Your body should be in a single horizontal line from your head to the tips of your toes.
3. Bird dog
Bird dog is an exercise taken from yoga asanas. It has a beneficial effect on our spine and the muscles that stabilize the figure. It is both a stretching and strength exercise. Bird dog is often used in the rehabilitation of people after injuries and for preventive purposes. This exercise is an excellent prophylaxis against spine injuries and prevents any joint and muscle pain. The bird dog should be performed every day!
Assume a propped kneeling position, then lift your arm and the opposite leg up, straighten them and extend them as if you want to lengthen them. Keep your spine in line, belly "taut". Then bring your elbow and knee together (no need to touch each other) keeping your spine straight and stretch your limbs back up. Always perform the exercise evenly on both sides of the body.
See what a head down dog, bird dog and other simple yoga poses look like.

4. Przysiad
The squat is a must-have exercise for anyone who wants to keep their hips and knees he althy and fit. The squat engages the largest muscle in our body - the great gluteus muscle! It is responsible for a number of important functions, and above all, it relieves the lumbar spine, hips and knees. In addition, squatsbuild the muscles of the thighs, both the anterior and posterior muscle groups, and stretch the hips. Squats also increase the mobility and functionality of the hip, knee and ankle joints.
In addition to all these positive aspects, it is also worth adding that a correctly performed squat also engages the abdominal muscles and is an excellent burning exercise! The squat uses the natural patterns of human movement, it is worth paying more attention to it and replacing ordinary squats with deep squats.
Place your feet slightly wider than hip width apart, gently rotate your knees outwards, screwing your feet firmly to the floor. Tighten your buttocks, tuck your pelvis up and pull your shoulders down. Then start the squat by pushing your hips backwards, and then bend your knees behind them. Try not to go too far behind the line of the toes, but each person has a different proportion of the femur to the tibia and this genetic condition will determine the characteristics of the position of the knees in relation to the feet.
Remember to keep your stomach tight and your back not hunched over. Go down to the point where you manage to maintain the correct body position. If you observe or feel your lumbar spine flexing or your pelvis is losing its previous position, correct your posture and try again.
5. Pump
Push-up is an exercise that works much like a plank, but the muscles in the chest and back work harder when pushing-up. Exercising push-ups ensures the he alth and mobility of the shoulder girdle and the elbow joint. Push-ups effectively build up the muscles of the chest in men, and in women they perfectly affect the firmness and lift of the bust. This exercise is a real challenge for our figure, so it will have a good effect on the condition of the body and the speed of metabolism.
Make a front support. Place your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart, and place your feet together. Then bring your chest closer to the mat and move it away. Remember to keep your shoulder blades pulled tight and your shoulders not sticking out too far forward. Keep your spine in line with your head and legs. This position will help keep your abdomen tight and your pelvis tucked in.
6. Deadlift
Deadlift is wrongly associated only with heavy strength training, and yet this exercise is nothing more than recreating the natural pattern of human movement! Deadlifts are, in other words, a forward bend and a hip extension. It does not have to be performed with heavy weight to be of satisfactory benefithe alth! Deadlift strengthens the muscles of the spine, the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the posterior thigh group. It is an excellent preventive exercise and protects our spine against injuries.
We bend a lot every day, lifting heavy loads from the floor completely unconsciously. Deadlift not only teaches the correct technique of flexion and extension in the hip with a load, but also prepares our joints for everyday work, without risking injuries and contusions. Deadlifts are best done with a barbell, but if we do not have it at hand, we can successfully grab a kettlebell, dumbbell or even a pack of water!
See: Strengthening training with dumbbells
Deadlifts can be performed with straight or bent legs, but the technique of this exercise remains the same. The weight should be between your feet in the case of a kettlebell or dumbbell, or just above your feet in the case of a barbell. The feet must stick firmly to the floor, and when they soar up, we must even feel as if they are our driving force. Feet should be hip-width apart and parallel to each other.
The exercise starts at the bottom. Before lifting a load, rotate the shoulders outwards by pulling the shoulder blades towards you and down. Stretch your head well in front of you so that it forms a line with your lumbar spine. Push your hips back strongly and bend your knees gently. When you are ready, inject air into the abdominal press, contract your abdominal muscles and press your feet to the floor and lift the weight. It should almost glide across your thighs, and if you are using a kettlebell it should be right between your legs. Take care not to push the pelvis too far forward while the hip extends. The deadlift ends at the starting position, return to the starting position, maintaining the correct body posture all the time, with the weight held close to the torso.
Choose the weight depending on the level of advancement and individual abilities. Even five kilos is enough to feel the positive aspects of this exercise!
Exercises for everyone - training plan
You can use the following sample training plan. 6 exercises performed one after the other constitute one circuit. A training consisting of two or three such circuits is recommended, but even one will bring positive results! The duration of one circuit is a maximum of 10 minutes.
Exercise | Number of repetitions | Duration |
Dog Head Down | 45 seconds / 1 minute | |
Board | 20/30 seconds | |
Bird dog | 8/10 repetitions per page | |
Przysiad | 10/12 reps | |
Pump | 8/10 reps | |
Deadlift | 8/10 reps |