Anemia has various causes and symptoms. Most often it is caused by iron deficiency - then it is necessary to supplement this element, both with supplementation and an appropriate diet. If you are anemic or prone to anemia, what should you eat to help restore your body's iron levels?
The essence of anemia is the reduction of the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) or the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood (with normal erythrocyte values). Symptoms of anemia - especially fatigue that persist after rest, severe weakness, hair loss or pale skin and heart palpitations - are quite characteristic, but many people often ignore them, ascribing to an unhe althy lifestyle, monotonous diet or constant stress.
Meanwhile, anemia must not be underestimated - the deficiency of hemoglobin that occurs in the course of anemia can be dangerous because hemoglobin carries oxygen, necessary for the proper functioning of all cells, including the heart and brain, which are extremely sensitive to hypoxia. The condition can be confirmed with a simple blood test - usually a complete blood count is enough to show your anemia by your doctor, and sometimes blood iron or ferritin levels are also required.
Anemia must be treated - the method of treatment is always determined by the doctor. Usually, it is necessary to supplement with an iron supplement, as well as supplement the diet with certain products - those that contain iron or facilitate the absorption of this element by the body.
Products to help fight anemia