Physical urticaria is a rare but very unpleasant form of urticaria that occurs under the influence of physical stimuli. The rash - itchy blisters - often comes on unexpectedly and the itching is unbearable. What could be the causes of this allergy? Does it have other symptoms or is it just a rash? How is the treatment going?
Physical urticaria , like other urticaria, is a type of allergy. Under the influence of physical stimuli, histamine is released and an itchy rash appears. Can tight clothing, harness from a heavy backpack, cold air or touching a heated stove cause an allergic reaction? Probably most people will find that it is impossible that touching something could cause an allergic reaction in the form of painful blisters on the skin. And yet it is possible.
This is how physical urticaria develops, which is revealed under the influence of external stimulators acting on the skin, causing an allergic reaction in the form of blisters. Such a reaction may appear when the skin is exposed to cold air, when the person affected touches a cold object. Another factor that will cause physical urticaria will be warm materials, as well as an increase in body temperature due to hard physical work, heat emitted by an artificial light source or by the sun. When an allergic reaction develops, the patient feels a strong urge to scratch. This results in painful blisters on the skin. The problem is that scratching hates severe itching.
Physical urticaria - causes
Physical urticaria is one of the less common forms of allergies. Physical factors must act on the skin for an allergic reaction to develop. The nature of these factors is the basis for the division of physical urticaria into different forms.
- Physical urticaria due to contact with cold
Cold urticariamay appear on a part of the body or cover the entire surface of the skin. The latter type of urticaria develops when there are rapid changes in temperature values affecting the skin. This can be the case when, for example, we fall into cold water. Then they appear strongly on the body
- Physical heat-induced urticaria
Thermal urticaria- whenthe body is exposed to a temperature of at least 40 degrees Celsius for more than a few minutes. Heat irritation may come from such sources as overheating the body with clothes and sweating, or a hot bath.
- Physical urticaria caused by the sun's rays
Light urticaria- exposure of the skin to strong solar radiation causes allergic reactions on the entire surface of the body, regardless of whether it is covered with clothes or exposed. This type of allergy is characterized by chronic conditions and most often affects women.
- Other physical reasons
Urticaria appears on the body at the site of irritation due to rubbing, pressure ( mechanical urticaria ), moreover, the physical causes includevibratory urticariaandwater urticaria .
Physical urticaria - symptoms
When the cause of urticaria is irritation of the skin as a result of its scratching, there is a very unpleasant and unbearable itching. This "forces" the patient to scratch the skin even more, and the consequence of this procedure is the appearance of blisters.
If hives appear after direct contact with cold air or an object, red spots can be clearly seen on the patient's skin. The most dangerous situation in cold allergy is anaphylactic shock, which is a state of immediate threat to life.
When allergic to pressure, the patient's skin develops pimples, blisters and swelling, which are the cause of pain. An additional symptom may be increased temperature, pain in the joints.
If physical urticaria is associated with direct exposure to heat on the skin, blisters and red spots appear on the patient's body. When the heat source was solar radiation, you will also experience annoying itching.
Physical urticaria - diagnosis
When a physician suspects that a patient suffers from physical urticaria, he or she must determine the cause of the ailment. The basis will be a detailed interview. The doctor will ask about allergic conditions in the patient's family, about other diseases, about working conditions, ways of spending free time, etc. These questions may seem insignificant and not related to the occurrence of allergies, but in fact they are the basis for the diagnosis of the disease.
The next step in diagnosing the type of physical urticaria is to conduct a provocation test. When physical urticaria is suspected caused by rubbing, the doctor rubs the patient's skin and after an hour determines whether there are blisters.
The same is done in the case of suspicionother types of physical urticaria. The doctor may put a cold object on the skin, a cube of ice cream, press on the skin or warm it up. All these activities are called provocation tests.
Allergic tests - types
Blood count is a very important test. If allergy is suspected, it is always done because in allergy sufferers the level of eosinophils in the smear is significantly increased.
Physical urticaria - treatment
In the case of physical urticaria, it may be necessary to introduce antihistamines. These drugs will reduce itching of the skin and the appearance of blistering skin lesions.
However, in the event of an anaphylactic shock, it is necessary to administer drugs that regulate blood circulation. Persons at risk of developing anaphylactic shock should always carry appropriate emergency kits.
Physical urticaria - how to help yourself
Patients suffering from physical urticaria can do the most for themselves.
When the cause of skin lesions is cold, you should take care of proper body heating depending on the season. In winter, it is necessary to wear warm hats, gloves, shoes or thermoactive underwear.
People who scratch themselves unknowingly should wear looser clothing so as not to irritate the skin. Stripes and decorations with sharp edges will work similarly.
Pressure hives can be "disarmed" by wearing well-chosen insoles, avoid straps or straps that cut into the body. Bags, especially when it is heavy every day, must not be worn over the shoulder. The backpack should have wide braces, distributing the weight over a large area, and a special frame that will "carry" the weight off the shoulders. In the case of frequent travelers, suitcases with wheels are the best solution.
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