Intestinal diseases are manifested not only by abdominal pain or diarrhea. Sometimes their symptoms are not obvious and may suggest food intolerance or problems with a completely different part of the body. The final diagnosis is always made by the doctor, but it is worth knowing what signals from the body should prompt a visit to a specialist.
Symptoms of intestinal diseases are most often associated with frequent visits to the toilet. This is the correct combination, as diarrhea or problems passing stools are the most common common denominator in most bowel diseases. But not the only one - many bowel diseases manifest themselves in quite similar ways, which makes diagnosis very difficult.
If symptoms you are experiencing may indicate a bowel disease, first contact your GP who will conduct a thorough history and order you a test if necessary. If they decide that further diagnosis or treatment is necessary, you will be referred to a gastroenterologist. And what symptoms should prompt you to see a doctor?
The most common symptoms of bowel disease