My son is 4 years old and still little and slurred. For the last 2.5 years, she goes to kindergarten, where she has contact with children. He also wears a diaper because it is difficult for him to speak and he cannot communicate his needs. He attends a psychological and pedagogical counseling center. He has an opinion on significant delayed speech development and has a judgment issued. Counseling doctors told us to go to a neurologist to start early development support. Maybe it'll help. A daughter his age had the same delayed speech development, and she already speaks a lot alone and is 7 years old. In the clinic, when they examined him, they concluded that he eats letters as he says, eg "book" means "oa", "dog" - "es", auto - "ato", etc., and that he has a bad language arrangement. Will exercises with a speech therapist accelerate the development of his speech?
You should definitely go with your son to a speech therapist. In the situation presented by you, these cannot be the only activities supporting development, although they will certainly bring significant improvement.
It is good for a neurologist to take care of his son, because such a specialist will select the appropriate exercises. Please also do not forget about systematic work at home.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Katarzyna BąkowiczSpecialist in the field of media communication. She conducts individual therapy with adults and children, workshops for working with the body, voice and breath, training for companies.
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