I just got back from my family doctor, with a prescription for the whole family vermox, and for a child (my daughter, 7 years old) - zentel; that is, something for all kinds of "worms". Two months ago she had already undergone a vermox treatment. For a long time, NO APPETITE, pallor, restless sleep and terrible teeth grinding are the main symptoms of my baby. Let me mention that the child has had a cold antibiotic treatment and after 5 days it stings in the throat again and it is red. HOW CAN WE PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THIS TYPE OF PARASITES AND IMMUNITY! CAN I HELP HIMSELF IN ANY NATURAL WAY? GREETINGS AND THANK YOU FOR POSITIVE ENERGY.

First of all, prevention, i.e. thorough hand washing, frequent change of underwear, using your towels. Maintaining absolute cleanliness of the toilet, bathtub, kitchen and the place where we prepare meals. Buying at the bazaar only from well-known suppliers of fruit, vegetables or other products. If vegetables or food products are improperly fertilized (faeces), they can cause parasite infestation. Clean the forest fruits, fish and mushrooms collected in the forest thoroughly, and bake or fry those that require thermal processing for quite a long time. Any contact with animals should end with a thorough hand washing, as they can also transmit parasites. When such a situation arose, it would be good if everyone who came into contact with a given person started taking medications prophylactically. Bed linen, underwear and towels should be washed in very hot water, and then, when they are dry, iron them well with a warm iron. You can get rid of parasites by using clove oil, which destroys intestinal parasites, bacteria and fungi. Black walnut, which has disinfecting properties, garlic, which aids digestion and copes with parasites fairly quickly, grapefruit seed extract - they help to remove bacteria and parasites. Of course, let's not forget about basic treatment and taking the prescribed medications. Wash your hands thoroughly, taking into account the nails that should be cut short. Your daughter has a weak immune system and therefore constantly falls ill. I am sending a lot of good energy.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor. He hosts in Marki (Lisi Jar estate12, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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