Increasingly, you find yourself forgetting an appointment with a doctor, taking your medications on time or meeting a friend? Do you look in the fridge only to realize that you don't remember what you wanted to get out of it? Are you starting to worry these are symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer's disease? Find out why your memory is deteriorating!
Diligent scheduling, using the reminders option on your phone, sticking colored cards - these methods are good because they work, but have you wondered what is the reason why you keep forgetting?
Researchers unanimously confirm that distraction and forgetfulness concern people of all ages. People in their 30s and 40s wonder if these are the first symptoms of dementia or some other serious illness. Doctors expressly reserve that this has nothing to do with the disease, unless the patient is 75 years old - then there is cause for concern.
Here are 8 possible reasons why your memory is deteriorating