Depression at work affects more and more people. According to the data of the National He alth Fund, almost 3 percent suffer from depression. Poles. As much as 73 percent. all those treated for this disease are women. Depression can come from many different sources. However, it happens more and more often that this disease is closely related to the undertaken professional activity. Why can work cause depression? Learn how to recognize the first symptoms of depression in the workplace and how to deal with them.
Depression in the workplacemanifests itself in particular by loss of motivation, sadness, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, boredom, and even uncontrolled crying attacks. Many people respond to the specificity of their work, performance of duties under time pressure, excess tasks or a tense atmosphere. One stressful day at work shouldn't be alarming. But what if these types of situations repeat themselves or eventually become the norm?
Depression at work - causes
The State of Mental He alth in America 2022 data shows that the number of people seeking help to treat depression increased especially between 2022 and 2023. Among Americans every year, nearly 17 million people struggling with the problem of depression.
This means a 60 percent increase among the respondents. In 8 out of 10 of them, symptoms of early or advanced depression have recently been diagnosed. According to data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cause is a lifestyle that is mainly based on work. Professional activity, which takes an average of 8.5 hours a week and 5.5 hours at weekends, has a negative impact on mental he alth.
It should be remembered that work itself does not have to be a depressive factor. The appearance of this problem is greatly influenced by the working environment and atmosphere. Working in unfavorable conditions can significantly worsen the condition of people who have previously experienced depressive episodes or cause their development.
According to Dr. Rashmi Parmar, a psychiatrist at Community Psychiatry, "Any workplace or job can be a potential cause or contributor to depression depending on the level of stress and the support available in the workplace."
According to WHOnegative environmentwork can lead to :
- problems with both physical and mental he alth,
- decrease in productivity,
- employee absenteeism,
- and excessive alcohol consumption or smoking.
The factors contributing to a bad atmosphere at work include :
- disregard by the boss,
- company policy inconsistent with your beliefs,
- rumors,
- bullying,
- too high requirements,
- continuous work under time pressure,
- limited social support,
- underestimation by the employer.
A tense work atmosphere is not the only reason depression develops. To a large extent, it all depends on the human psyche. Some people are more resistant to working under time pressure, while they cannot cope with rumors or slander, and vice versa.
Among the factors having a significant impact on the development of depression are also :
- overwork or salary inadequate to your competences,
- discrimination,
- irregular working hours,
- sense of threat to the workplace,
- mobbing at work,
- workplace harassment,
- no development prospects for the position performed,
- insecurity,
- working in toxic conditions.
Depression at work may also appear as a result of a lack of self-fulfillment or performing a job that has nothing to do with a person's interests. We are talking about people working, for example, in production, who perform mechanically the same activities every day.
Lack of prospects or job satisfaction is a common cause of depression. They can also make work-related anxiety symptoms worse.
Depression at work - symptoms
The symptoms of depression in the workplace are slightly different from those of normal depression.
Symptoms typical of depression at work are felt especially while performing one's official duties or even just thinking about work. In the case of this type of depression, its symptoms apply both to the person's functioning at home and in the work environment.
The main symptoms of depression at work include :
- feeling anxious, especially during stressful situations or working under time pressure
- feeling anxious just thinking about work
- a large drop in energy and motivation to act
- lack of interest in responsibilities and new challenges, especially when they seemed interesting at first
- problems concentrating on the tasks thatpreviously they did not cause any difficulties
- trouble remembering new information
- depressed mood, irritability
- guilt, helplessness
- making mistakes while performing regular duties, even though it has never happened before
- lack of appetite or, on the contrary - eating stress
- inability to make independent decisions, especially under time pressure
- trouble sleeping or excessive sleepiness (especially during working hours)
- reaching for alcohol to de-stress
- deliberately arriving late to work or leaving your post early if possible
It happens that some people are able to camouflage symptoms of depression. In such a situation, the diagnosis of this type of disorder by co-workers is difficult.
Depression at work, however, can be noticed because of changes in the behavior of the person suffering from this disorder. Often times, a person acting this way does it unconsciously.
Speech about:
- isolating from people, including colleagues
- noticeable reduction in productivity
- more mistakes, absent-mindedness
- keeping distance and not being interested in matters relating to the company or other matters
- employees
- visible fatigue
- not keeping your emotions in check, uncontrolled crying or anger
- decreased self-confidence or decreased self-esteem.
Depression at work and stress at work
It is normal to experience stress at work. In some cases, it happens that long-term stress can turn into depression. Neither of these feelings should be ignored. So what's the difference between work stress and depression?
Stress at work:
- the feeling of stress decreases when the stress factor disappears,
- occasional bouts of irritation or anxiety,
- muscle tension or headaches.
Depression at work:
- endless sadness and tearfulness,
- persistent anxiety,
- long-term problems with concentration,
- no feeling of fulfillment from the job.
Depression and remote work
If a bad atmosphere at work is the main cause of depression, what is the situation when a person works remotely in solitude?
According to Parmar, remote work can be a kind of trap. On the one hand, the person working remotely has no direct contact with the toxic environment. But on the other hand, working from home makes it easy to blur the line between your professional life and your workprivate.
In extreme cases, in the absence of self-discipline, work may even take most of the day, which will significantly extend the working time. This can have a negative effect on the psyche of the person working in this way.
Lack of time for small pleasures, exhaustion or a sense of constant obligation to be ready are typical factors that contribute to the development of depression.
As Parmar says, "lack of routine can cause a kind of boredom, which over time can turn into depressive thoughts."
In addition to a fixed daily schedule, working remotely over time can be a source of loneliness and isolation. All kinds of interpersonal contacts with friends and colleagues take place via e-mail or via webcams, which also extends the time spent in front of the screen.
The boundary between work and private life begins to blur as a result of long-term remote work.
To avoid this, plan your daily schedule:
- set fixed times for the start and end of work and stick to them,
- eat in a different room,
- take short breaks during work,
- organize a home office. It can be both a separate room and a small corner that will be your permanent workplace,
- after finishing work, devote yourself to household chores or private life.
Depression at work - how to deal with it?
Due to the diverse nature of the work of all people, there is no one effective solution. However, if you feel depressed at work, try these few tips:
- take a break for a few minutes,
- do not eat at your desk - eat lunch outside the workplace,
- if possible, go out for a while,
- do a few exercises (literally a few minutes of movement can do wonders),
- do breathing exercises,
- try a few minutes of relaxation or meditation techniques,
- watch a funny video - a smile will let you forget about your problems for a while.
Depression at work - treatment
If you have noticed symptoms that indicate the development of depression related to your work duties, be sure to ask for help.
If your relationship with your employer is not tense, try to talk to him first. Explain why you feel overwhelmed. Perhaps your boss unknowingly throws too many responsibilities on you, not realizing how it affects your psyche.
If you are not satisfied with the type of work you do, it may be worth considering a changepositions? New experiences will definitely have a positive effect on your mental condition.
If you do not feel capable of fighting depression on your own, and the situation is extremely overwhelming, do not be afraid to seek the help of a specialist.
Psychotherapy may be helpful in treating depression. In the event that it does not bring the desired results, it is worth going to a psychiatrist who will prescribe antidepressants.
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