Cephalometry is not a popular study and therefore not everyone has heard of it. In some situations, however, it is an irreplaceable test. What is cephalometry, in what cases can a specialist refer a patient for this test and is cephalometry really safe, especially for children?

Cephalometryis one of the X-ray imaging tests performed primarily by orthodontists, because it is necessary during the diagnosis of bite weights, as well as in any subsequent orthodontic treatment, controlling its effects and possibly mileage correction.
Cephalometric imageis an X-ray image of the skull primarily in the lateral position, although in some orthodontic offices it is possible to take it in an anterior or oblique position. It shows the appearance of the skull and facial tissues - both hard and soft - as well as the hard palate and paranasal sinuses.
It allows the orthodontist to assess their condition, as well as whether a possible malocclusion is not due to anatomical reasons. Cephalometry also allows you to assess the patient's bone age and take measurements of specific structures necessary to develop an orthodontic treatment plan.
Cephalometry - what is it?
Cephalometry is an X-ray examination - during it, the tissues are x-rayed with a small dose of X-rays. Cephalometry is performed with the aid of a pantomographic device.
The patient is placed under the apparatus and his head is immobilized with special holders placed over the nose and ears in the so-called cephalostias. Then an X-ray is taken. The entire examination lasts no more than a minute, and the X-ray irradiation itself - depending on the type of apparatus the office has - from 1 to several seconds.
Cephalometry - is it safe?
Cephalometric examination is painless and safe, also for children. During it, the patient's torso is covered with a special lead apron. More and more offices, instead of classic cephalometry on photographic film, perform digital cephalometry, during which an electronic sensor is used, extremely sensitive to raysX-rays - and this allows you to significantly reduce the radiation dose.
An additional advantage of digital cephalometry is the ability to edit the photo - you can sharpen it, enlarge it, and even digitally download the necessary measurements, which significantly facilitates the interpretation of results and diagnosis, as well as the preparation of a treatment plan.
Cephalometry - how much does a cephalometric test cost?
Cephalometry is not an expensive test - depending on the clinic, you have to pay an average of 60 to 100 PLN for it. However, it is worth remembering that it is rarely done separately.
Usually, in the case of most malocclusions, it is also necessary to perform other examinations, including a panoramic radiograph, i.e. a panoramic image of the teeth and surrounding structures (its cost, depending on the office, ranges from PLN 80 to 150).
Diagnostic impressions are also necessary, including the initial impression, the price of which also fluctuates in the range of PLN 100-200.