In order for your child to be smart and intelligent, you need to provide the brain with the necessary ingredients. Take care of a proper diet, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids - there is no doubt that it promotes the development of intelligence.
It should not lack polyunsaturatedfatty acids . A UK study found thatchildrenof pregnant women who ate fattyfishmarine had a higher IQ than babies whose mothers did not eat fish.
The diet also includes long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids called LCPUFA (from the English name for long chain poly-unsaturated fat acid), which are the building blocks of the membranes of all cells in the body. These acids also play an important role in the development of the central nervous system, improve brain function and visual acuity. They are i.a. in fish that can be given to a baby from 10 months of age (allergy sufferers in the second year of life).
And before that? If you are breastfeeding, eat fish yourself, research conducted by Spanish scientists has proven that the food contains more valuable LCPUFA acids. As the composition of infant formula must be as similar as possible to that of human breast milk, fatty acids are also present in them. Their profile and content in milk are specified in a special directive of the European Union. According to it, the mix includes:
- over 40 percent saturated fatty acids
- ok. 40 percent monounsaturated acids
- over 10 percent polyunsaturated acids.
They come primarily from soybean, palm, corn or coconut vegetable oils. Recently, LCPUFA acids obtained from marine algae and fish have been added to some mixtures.