Eat less - that's what most of us think is the basic rule of losing weight. If that were true, struggling with being overweight would not be so often a failure. After all, it happens that we refuse to eat at the expense of our well-being and form, and the weight does not budge. Where do we go wrong?
Eatingis a pleasure and it should remain so even when we losekilograms . Therefore, it is not worth eliminating certain products from the diet, because the body will ask for them in times of crisis. And this risks uncontrolled throwing at the forbidden fruit. The best solution is to introduce permanent replacements for your favorite dishes. What to choose?
What you should know about fiber
The latest research by Canadian scientists shows that fiber in the daily diet lowers the level of hormones associated with the feeling of hunger. It stimulates intestinal peristalsis and prevents constipation. It cleanses the body by removing toxins from it. As it swells in the stomach, it quickly gives you a feeling of fullness. If you include fiber-rich foods in your daily menu, you'll eat less food and stay full for longer. Fiber is found in plant foods: fruits and vegetables. Grain products are also a good source, especially whole grains: wholemeal pasta, bread, brown rice, buckwheat - they have several times more fiber than refined products, i.e. white ones - even though their calorific value is similar.Fiber binds cholesterol and lowers its level in the blood. It also partially binds fat and removes it from the body.
Make sure you don't make these 5 mistakes while losing weight
ImportantCalories are not our enemy
Although our body needs around 60 nutrients each day, calories only come from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In order to be successful in your pursuit of a slim figure, it is not enough to scrupulously count your calories. There are also some important rules to remember.
- Calories are to come from the best possible sources and provide nutrients in the right proportions. By using a monotonous diet, even if they are valuable products, you run the risk of deficiencies in other ingredients, and the imbalance in food adversely affects the metabolism.
- Calories are to be provided at regular intervals and in about the same proportion. If you drink coffee in the morning and eat a 1200 kcal pizza in the evening, you will not lose weight either, even though you will eat less during the day than your body needs. To speed up your metabolism, you should plan 5 meals a day at regular times of the day. Thanks to this, digestion follows a certain rhythm and the body does not stock up, as it does after each long break when you are hungry.
- Be sure to have breakfast and do not starve yourself in the evening, but dinner should be light and not too late, preferably 2-3 hours before going to bed. The rule of not eating after 6 p.m. makes the break between dinner and breakfast too long, even 12-13 hours.
- Don't drink alcohol. It also provides calories, and apart from that, there is nothing of value (except antioxidant-rich red wine). There are 7 kcal in one gram of alcohol, which is slightly less than a gram of fat!
Carbohydrates good and bad
Like fat, there are good and bad carbohydrates. The complex ones are good. They are the best digestible source of energy, also for the brain. Excluding them from your diet altogether is bad for your he alth. The ban should only apply to those that, apart from calories, have no other value. The sources of good carbohydrates include :
- wholemeal products: whole grain pasta, bread, brown rice, groats, especially thick porridge, unsweetened muesli
- vegetables and fruits
- nuts
Good carbohydrates are those that come from unprocessed foods and are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The energy from such carbohydrates is released slowly, which means that the blood sugar level remains stable for a long time and there are no hunger pangs.Carbohydrates from this group should provide about 50 percent. the daily amount of calories. Bad carbohydrates include:
- white bread, pasta and rice
- cakes, cookies and other baked goods
- crackers, chips and sticks
- sweetened breakfast cereals (except those made from whole grains)
- jams
- sweet drinks
Bad carbohydrates are found in products that have been deprived of many valuable ingredients during production. They have a large number of calories. Although the feeling of satiety appears almost immediately after eating them, it lasts for a short time, followed by an attack of wolf hunger. After a momentary injection of energy, its rapid decrease occurs and the body demands another snack. Therefore, if you feel like having some dessert after eating lunch, hold back. After a few minutes the crisis will be over and good carbohydrates will be released slowly and you won't be hungry until your next meal. In addition, processed products very often also contain dyes, flavors and preservatives.
This will be useful to youThere is an agreement for sweets!
Even while losing kilograms, you can eat simple carbohydrates. Although their nutritional value is low or none, a chocolate bar or a slice of sweet challah are sometimes needed, for example, to improve well-being. Simple carbohydrates should not cover more than 10 percent. daily caloric requirement. In the case of a person whose daily requirement is 2000 kcal, about 200 kcal can come from sweets. If you are on the 1000 kcal diet, you can eat 2 chocolate candies or 2-3 biscuits. Such a sweet snack can even be eaten every day, as long as you move more each day.
How to lose weight he althily - advice from psychodietetics
Each of us dreams of a slim and shapely figure. However, not all methods of losing weight are good for our he alth. How to wisely and he althily lose weight? Listen to our expert - psychodietician and he alth coach Elżbieta Lange.
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