You don't always need to follow a strict diet to lose weight. It is enough to change your eating habits and start eating those products that effectively reduce your appetite, and at the same time provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Eggs and cottage cheese, red vegetables, apples, ginger and almonds, dark chocolate andgreen tea- including thesesnacksin your daily routinediets , you have a chance to lose a few kilos - irretrievably.

Eggs and cottage cheese first

Opinions about eating eggs are divided. Some argue that eggs are he althy and necessary in our diet, others - that they provide bad cholesterol. One thing is for sure - eating one or two eggs for breakfast makes you feel full for hours. What's more - it makes us eat about 330 kcal less during the whole day. Eggs have a great nutritional value, because they contain vitamins A, D, E, K and B 12, folic acid, as well as minerals: iron, potassium, sulfur, zinc phosphorus as well as wholesome proteins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Cottage cheese is a perfect complement to an egg breakfast. Lean white cheese is the basis of any diet. It does not make you fat, and thanks to the high protein content it gives you a feeling of fullness and has many nutritional values. Cottage cheese contains an amino acid called tryptophan, responsible for the synthesis of serotonin, i.e. the happiness hormone. According to nutritionists, regularly eaten white cheese calms down and ensures a he althy, strong sleep.

Second - red vegetables

Among the vegetables that reduce the appetite, the leading position is taken by beets, which have an extremely beneficial effect on our digestive system. First of all, they contain fiber, which helps digestion and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. In addition, beetroot strengthens the body's resistance to diseases, especially viral diseases. They contain vitamin C, sugars, protein, carotene and a lot of mineral elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, as well as folic acid.
If you want to cheat your hunger quickly, reach for a glass of vegetable juice - the best ones are tomato, carrot or beetroot . People who drink vegetable drinks before a meal consume 135 kcal less per day. Sokotherapy is also a popular way to remove toxins from the body.

Third - apples

Apple is an absolute favorite and the king of every diet. And all thanks to pectins that give the stomach a feeling of fullness.In addition, pectins cleanse the body of poisonous substances, and during digestion, they bind some heavy metals into insoluble s alts that are excreted from the body. They also neutralize the bacterial flora, sweep away food residues and toxic substances. Apples effectively regulate glucose levels and increase energy. Research shows that eating an apple takes time for the body to "realize" that it is no longer hungry.

Fourth - ginger and almonds

Ginger has been used for years as a stimulant for the immune system. It helps to fight colds, coughs, sore throats, regulates the work of the gallbladder. It contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. The key substance is gingerol, which warms up, speeds up the metabolism, improves digestion and suppresses the appetite. Almonds work in a similar way. They are a rich source of antioxidants - including vitamin E, which protects against the negative effects of free radicals - vitamin B2, responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, zinc and magnesium. Many studies show that almonds increase the feeling of fullness and help with weight control. However, do not eat too much of them (a handful a day is enough).

For dessert - dark chocolate

As it turns out, dark chocolate can also help you lose weight. Research shows that a piece of chocolate can effectively reduce hunger, including thanks to the content of stearic acid. However, there are certain conditions - it must be chocolate with a minimum content of 70 percent. cocoa and you can't eat too much of it - two or three pieces are enough.

And finally - water plus green tea

Supposedly, drinking two glasses of water before a meal will allow us to eat as much as 90 kcal less. Good mineral water supplies us with important nutrients and fills our stomach. People with bowel problems should reach for larger amounts of water, because the fluids hydrate the food as it travels through the digestive tract. We should drink about 2 liters of water a day. If we like tea, let's reach for green tea as often as possible. Drinking green tea helps to refrain from reflexively reaching for finger foods or chips. This drink also accelerates fat burning, i.e. thermogenesis.
