Lose weight without following a restrictive diet, without forbidden foods, without the yo-yo effect - it's possible. As? By learning a different way to eat, respecting your body's needs, learning when you really feel hungry and when you feel full. As? Using the increasingly popular method of nutritional coaching, based on behavior therapy and cognitive psychology.

It is obvious that you need to eat less in order to lose weight. But this is the hardest part. How do I eat less without rape myself or constantly thinking about: how much have I eaten? The answer is to observe your own body, especially keeping track of when, how much and how we eat. The point is, as they say, "do not eat your emotions." This is much easier said than done. Hence the need for people who can help you in this, more and more popular - especially in highly developed countries -nutrition trainers .

Nutritional coaching - anti-diet

Two specialists 15 years ago -nutritionistandpsychiatristseeing the dangers of the diet business (especially the wonderful, so much popular diets that caused various diseases and the yo-yo effect), created a program in which so far there have been no restrictions typical of diets - neither effect: nor products to be eliminated, nor calorie counting. You could say that they came up with a way for which the most appropriate name is “anti-diet.”
The task of their nutritional program, on the other hand, was to regain balance in the body. It is not the people who are interested in losing weight, nor the trainers who help them gain a balanced weight, who decide about it. How much a person weighs is to be decided by the body itself. The creators of nutritional coaching assumed that each person has their own weight, which the body itself will strive for, while maintaining proper eating habits. The whole process of losing weight should therefore be as natural as possible.

How to lose weight without dieting?

The entire philosophy of the program has been divided into three elements: eating habits, emotions and body. The work of the coach on eating habits is designed to teach listening to information flowing from the body. The idea is to learn to recognize when you feel hungry andsatiety, but also find pleasure in eating. The creators of the program noted that if a person listens to his needs - he eats less. But in order to be able to listen to ourselves, we must eliminate all the reasons why we habitually eat - that is, the emotions that accompany us. To this end, the nutritional coach teaches you to relax, to breathe deeply - and as a result of these exercises to stay aware of what is happening to our thoughts and feelings. This weight loss program also uses the experience of other pleasures, apart from eating, - sunbathing, bathing in water, physical activity (adjusted to individual abilities).

Is it therapy or medicine?

Nutritional coaching is not based on any medical diagnosis. A person who wants to participate in such a program, and is not sure if their he alth condition allows it, should consult their doctor.
As for the psychological side - it is not a therapy, but coaching - that is, teaching with the help of a competent person, new behaviors - in this case, eating behaviors. The main task is to eliminate overeating under emotional stress. People who feel that they want to go further in getting to know themselves as a result of this program can apply for their own therapy to a competent psychotherapist.

Who is nutritional coaching for?

This type of coaching can be used by all those people (both women and men) who are not satisfied with their body and the way they eat. It makes no difference whether they want to lose 5 or 25 kilograms. The role of the coach is to restore balance in the area of ​​eating behavior. People with mental eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia), people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diabetics are excluded from this program.
