For 1.5 years I had a feeling of heavy head, constant anxiety, cold right hand and pain in my hand muscles. From morning to evening my well-being is weak, only in the evenings do I feel good. Twice in my right eye I lost my visual acuity for about 10 minutes. About 2 weeks ago my first attack occurred: while sitting at the dermatologist's, I felt like I was getting hot, I had a feeling that I was about to faint, there was shortness of breath, a feeling of breathlessness, body tremors. I went to see an internist - he stated that I was severely neurotic and at the height of the 3rd and 4th sternum lines and the midline of the body, a loud holosystolic murmur was heard. The next day I went for an echo of the heart. The doctor stated that apart from VEL=1.56 m / sel p=9.57 mmHG, everything was normal and he also talked about stress. I have been working very hard at home for the last 2 years as a stockbroker. The results of the morphology I will list the parameters that do not match:% NEU - 43.5,% LYM - 45.8, EOS - 0.55 (this parameter just interested me, because it has dropped from 0.73 since the last test, and the norm is from 0.12). My question is about the adrenal glands: should I be tested for adrenal glands and what should these tests be? I did a pupil test and after 2-3 seconds, with continuous shining of the flashlight, it returns to its large size - from what I read, it is not normal.
The basic screening for adrenal disease is cortisol. Markings should be made in the morning at 7.00-8.00 and at 16.00-17.00. If these tests do not come out correctly, other tests and tests are performed. Diseases of the adrenal glands show up as abnormal sodium, potassium, blood glucose test results, and abnormal blood pressure values. Certain diseases of the adrenal glands have clinical features.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Barbara GrzechocińskaAssistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University of Warsaw. I accept privately in Warsaw at ul. Krasińskiego 16 m 50 (registration is available every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).
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