I'm 23 years old. When I was little, I stuttered a little, then stopped during my school days. For several years, I have noticed that I have started to stutter again. It is not continuous stuttering, I stutter on a word, especially when I speak slowly. Overall, I always spoke very quickly but understandably. I have periods where I stutter for a while, then notice a long pause and then again … It's embarrassing to me because I thought I had gotten rid of this problem.
Stuttering is a very specific disorder. It has many causes and many kinds. However, it is always necessary to take into account the psychological basis of this disorder. Speech disfluency has a neurotic etiology and occurs especially in stressful situations. The frequency of the symptoms of disfluency, jams, blockages, etc. is therefore different and sometimes it may disappear even for a few years, and then appear more strongly. The greater the stress associated with the process of speaking itself, the more the symptoms may get worse. I would suggest going to a speech therapist who deals with stuttering therapy and to a psychotherapist who can work with such disorders. Stuttering therapy is effective, so give it a try.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Katarzyna BąkowiczSpecialist in the field of media communication. She conducts individual therapy with adults and children, workshops for working with the body, voice and breath, training for companies.
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