I wore braces for two years. After removing the braces, my teeth turned out to be worse than before insertion, I suffered from discoloration and decalcification of the enamel, in addition, two sevens were damaged by removing the braces (i.e. I had halves of my teeth left), to this day I have many traces of glue left by the braces. Due to improper treatment with the braces fitted to me, my bite has deteriorated, my teeth have moved forward and as a result I have an open bite. In a word, I was hurt, I paid 10 thousand for the camera and "treatment". zlotys. How much compensation can I apply for?

It is worth contacting the patient ombudsman on this matter. The case requires an in-depth examination, in-depth analysis, whether the orthodontist has in fact been negligent. The collected medical documentation will undoubtedly be helpful in the matter.Office of the Patient's Rights Ombudsmanul. Młynarska 46 01-171 Warsaw Secretariat: tel .: (22) 532 - 82 - 50 fax .: (22) 532 - 82 - 30 [email protected]

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Przemysław Gogojewicz

Independent legal expert specializing in medical matters.

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