Loss of consciousness, broken leg, the need to travel to the hospital - only some of these situations allow you to use the emergency services. When to call an ambulance and when to use sanitary transport? What is the pen alty for an unjustified ambulance call? See what the current regulations say on this subject.

We call an ambulance for a variety of reasons - dispatchers admit that calls to people suffering from hangovers, unattended prams with babies or elderly people who have fallen asleep on a park bench are not so rare. The ambulance service is often treated like a taxi, when the referral patient has to come to the hospital and there is no way to get there.

What is the pen alty for unjustified calling an ambulance?According to the applicable regulations, an unjustified call for an ambulance may be fined up to PLN 1,500 (the police called by the ambulance service may impose a fine under Art. 66 of the Code of Petty Offenses ). Therefore, it is worth knowing when to call an ambulance and when to use sanitary transport - and who is en titled to such transport.

When to call an ambulance?

We call the emergency services only in situations of sudden threat to he alth or life. They include, among others a traffic accident in which they are injured, extensive wounds, persistent vomiting, especially blood, extensive burns, poisoning with drugs or chemicals, etc.

When to call for medical transport?

Pursuant to the regulations, persons who require immediate treatment in another medical facility in order to continue and maintain the continuity of treatment, or who have to come for treatment, and due to motor organ dysfunction, are not en titled to use the free sanitary transport. able to use public transport (regardless of medical condition). On the other hand, people who are able to move independently, but need assistance in using public transport, or due to their he alth condition, can only use vehicles adapted to the needs of disabled people,are en titled to partially paid transport in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs,
  • diseasescancerous,
  • eye diseases,
  • metabolic diseases,
  • mental and behavioral disorders,
  • diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the locomotor system,
  • digestive system diseases,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • infectious and parasitic diseases,
  • injuries and poisoning
  • congenital malformations, distortions and chromosomal aberrations,

In such casesThe National He alth Fund covers 40% of the cost of traveling by sanitary transport . In other cases, the cost of transport is entirely covered by the patient. To use the sanitary transport service, you need a referral from a doctor or he alth insurance assistant.

Sanitary transport in POZ

It is worth knowing that sanitary transport is also available to patients in primary he alth care - it can be used when:

  • it is necessary to treat a specific disease in a different medical facility - except for sudden threats to he alth or life;
  • for continuity of treatment - when it is provided by a he alth care physician.

In such situations, the benefit covers travel from the place of residence to the facility and back, and the National He alth Fund also covers up to 40 percent. costs (the payment rules are the same as in the case of sanitary transport). Referral for this type of transport is issued by the POZ doctor.

"Daleki" medical transport in POZ

The so-called "distant" medical transport in POZ isa service that can be used in the case of treatment or medical assistance in a hospital abroad- when the state of he alth at the time of discharge from the hospital it is stable, but it does not allow you to return home on your own.

If the patient requires continuation of treatment in the country,transport is made from the Polish border to a hospital as close as possible to his place of residencewhere treatment can be continued.

It is also available in cases where, for medically justified reasons , you need to use the services of a specific specialist clinic located more than 120 km away from your place of residence(both ways), and the condition the patient's he alth does not allow them to visit the clinic on their own. Transport is then available from home to facility and back. It is also possible whenfor medical reasons a highly specialized outpatient service is necessary,provided only by some clinics , to which the distance from the patient's home exceeds 120 km (counting "there and back"), and the patient's he alth condition does not allow the patient to travel independently. Transport is then possible in both directions. To take advantage of this option, the patient or his family or legal guardian must submit an application to the director of the competent provincial branch of the National He alth Fund, who will make a decision.
