Lung cancer does not only develop in smokers. Even 15 percent. out of all cases of disease, there are people who have never had a cigarette in their mouths. The development of this cancer is fostered by polluted air, the so-called passive smoking, exposure to certain toxic substances or even a genetic predisposition. However, the symptoms of lung cancer are not specific and are often detected too late for treatment to be effective. What symptoms may signal lung cancer and what should be worrying?
Symptoms of lung cancerare often neglected, as lung cancer can manifest itself in the same way as a banal, untreated infection for many months or even years. A symptom such as hoarseness or cough usually does not arouse special concern - we often blame it on air conditioning, heating or allergies.
However, it is worth remembering that in the initial stage of the disease, it is these symptoms that should arouse anxiety and trigger a decisive reaction. As others join them, it may be too late to implement effective treatment.
Common symptoms of lung cancer