Talking to yourself is he althy? In a situation where we hear about the increasing incidence of mental disorders everywhere, we wonder if this is normal. Doubts arise among people who … speak to themselves. You can definitely calm them down. Most often, talking to yourself is absolutely harmless, and it can even bring some benefits.
Talking to yourselfis usually not a symptom of illness. Probably most of us happened to cast a curse at ourselves or say aloud a question directed at no one. However, some people regularly talk to themselves, and for this reason some - both themselves and their surroundings - wonder if this is really normal.In most cases, talking to yourself is not a mental disorder.This is what patients with severe mental illnesses sometimes do, but in most cases talking to themselves refers to he althy people.
Talking to yourself: in what situations do people talk to themselves?
A situation that is often observed is when a child talks to himself, e.g. while playing. Some parents become worried in this case, and other caregivers downplay the situation. The second approach is really the right thing to do.A child who talks to himself develops his speech ability.When he or she speaks his thoughts aloud, it may help him to complete their task.
A child talking to himself does not usually arouse as much interest as adults. For example, a person seen in a shop talking to himself is sometimes considered to be mentally ill. In practice, however, this person is most likely… he althy.
Both the boss and his subordinates can talk to each other at work.It happens that people also talk to each other when they are alone at home.There are many reasons for such situations. Most of all, people tend to talk to themselves in emotional situations.Talking to oneself is common in people who feel angry, resentful or very sad.Saying different words allows them to express themselves. experienced emotions, so they can deal with them fasteradvise.
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Talking to yourself reduces anxiety
Talking to yourself can also beassociated with anxiety , which sometimes reduces its intensity. It occurs in people with specific phobias, e.g. claustrophobia. In a situation where a person is to find himself in a closed, narrow space, convincing himself that there is really no real threat may help overcome the experienced fear.
Talking to yourself and loneliness
Silence, which by many people is something very much anticipated, in fact… it is not a natural phenomenon for man.In silence, human senses sharpen.We often start listening to different sounds, which in some people may lead to the feeling of anxiety. For this reason, people who live alone talk to each other quite often.
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Talking to yourself: benefits
We have mentioned some of the positive aspects of talking to yourself before, but we will present some more benefits.Talking to yourself can motivate.An example of this is physical activity, where saying motivating words that the trainee is able to continue training despite being tired can help you overcome your own difficulties.
The fact that talking to yourself can really be helpful is also convinced by the results of some studies. In 2012, analyzes were conducted to check how talking to yourself affects the ability to perform tasks using your eyesight. It turned out that people who spoke to each other when searching for items at home or in a store - compared to people who did it in silence - found them faster. This was probably becausetalking to yourself allows you to focus more on the task at hand.
Talking to yourself can betreated as a kind of training . It can be especially useful for people who have some difficulties with public speaking. Preparing an utterance in advance and hearing what it sounds like can definitely make it easier to present it to a wide audience. Sometimes, thanks to talking to yourself, it is also possible to prepare for more difficult conversations, such as asking your employer for a raise.
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Talking to yourself: what to do to stop talking to yourself?
Talking to yourself is notdisease. However, some people - due to the fact that they often talk to each other at work and thus disturb their colleagues - would like to stop talking to themselves. In this case, it is recommended to use a pen and a piece of paper.Writing down thoughts and emotions that torment a given person can definitely limit the need to talk to yourself.However, it is always worth bearing in mind that talking to yourself - as long as it is not pathological - can bring different the benefits we mentioned earlier.
Talking to yourself: when can it be a symptom of a disease?
Sometimes talking to yourself isrelated to certain pathologies.People with schizophrenia can talk to themselves. For example, when the patient experiences auditory hallucinations and begins to talk to voices that he feels can speak to him. In such a situation, the sick person may have a long dialogue and he does not treat it as something unusual.
Other mental disorders in which patients can talk to themselves areautism spectrum disorder . These people can repeat overheard statements of other people or issues that were mentioned in a film or advertisement (a phenomenon known as echolalia).
- Medical News Today, "Is it normal to talk to yourself", on-line access:
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- Early symptoms of schizophrenia
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- How to recognize a mental illness. What may mean a mental illness