Lungwort is a frost-resistant plant with multicolored pink-blue-purple flowers. The healing properties of lungwort are enormous - it fights inflammation, increases the resistance of the alveoli to pollution and removes toxins from the body. However, these are not the only uses of honey extract.

Miodunkais a plant found in Poland. It grows mainly in Western Pomerania, but not only. It can be found everywhere, and even planted in the garden. It looks beautiful, it is he althy and it tolerates frosts well. However, lungwort is not an ornamental plant, it is also a herb that is very he althy. Mostly, infusions and teas with honey extracts are drunk. And all this to clear the respiratory tract, because the plant is a great help in this.

Lungwort - drying

We use honey extract in the form of dried fruit. To do this, collect the plant and dry it properly. And you pick flowers and lungwort leaves. The stem, although also edible, remains for further growth of the plant (lungwort grows up to 30 cm). Lungwort is harvested from March to May and dried in natural drying rooms or rooms at a temperature of about 35 degrees C.

Take out the lungwort for drying! And then its dried fruit can be used to prepare teas and infusions with many he alth properties.

Lungwort - types

It is worth knowing that several types of lungwort grows in Poland. This:

  • lungwort moth,
  • soft-haired lungwort,
  • spotted lungwort,
  • narrow-leaved lungwort.

Lungwort - properties and application

In lungwort we can find many tannins, thanks to which the plant has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is used especially in the case of problems with the respiratory system. What can we find in lungwort?

  • allantoiny,
  • saponins,
  • mineral s alts,
  • tannins,
  • chlorogenic acid,
  • ellagic acid,
  • rosmarinic acid,
  • organic anthocyanin acids,
  • vegetable adhesives,
  • flavonoids (quercetin),
  • pyrrolizidine alkaloids (trace amounts),
  • easily absorbable silica,
  • vitamin C,
  • B vitamins.

Lungwort - application

Miodunka supports the immune system and supports the work of the respiratory system. Lungwortall those exposed to smog should drink. Why? Well, lungwort increases the resistance of the alveoli to air pollution. It also helps heal damaged lung tissue that has been exposed to coal, cement, and asbestos dust.

The saponin present in the lungwort hasexpectorant effect . Lungworm is also helpful in laryngitis, in asthma, soothes pulmonary changes caused by tuberculosis, accelerates the treatment of pneumonia, and is also recommended in cystic fibrosis.

Lungwort also worksdiuretic . However, if we overdo it, constipation will arise. Overall, lungwort has a very positive effect on the digestive system, protecting it and preventing the multiplication of Helicobacter Pyroli bacteria.

Miodunka - how to prepare the infusion?

Two glasses of water for two tablespoons of dried honey. All boil, covered for 10 minutes. The stock is drunk several times a day, on a scale of 1/3 to 2/3 cup, always after meals.
