Sanepid has repeatedly warned against bathing in fountains. Do you see children running with joy among the gushing water? Well, it could be dangerous.

Let's start with the fact that Sanepid does not control the purity of water in fountains. In order for it to be safe for bathing, it would have to be disinfected with appropriate agents, such as in swimming pools.

However, the purity of water in fountains is not checked by anyone, and a whole lot of threats lurk in it. We find there not only animal excrements, but also bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, e.g. fungi.

Epidemiologists have warned against such baths more than once. You can get infected with staphylococcus, salmonella, legionella bacilli, as well as with fecal bacteria, e.g. E.coli and enterococci.

But it doesn't end there. As a result of infection, you can have: pneumonia, conjunctivitis, ear infections, athlete's foot, respiratory tract diseases, infection with streptococcus (or the aforementioned staphylococcus), which can lead to pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis or meningitis.

And finally - bathing in fountains is forbidden, so we'll get a ticket!

On hot days in the city, you can use water curtains or sprinklers that are intended for citizens.

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