Dr. Michelle May's diet is not a slimming diet in the literal sense of the word. Dr. Michelle May's diet is diet coaching, a way to lose weight without dieting. Diet coaching consists in gradual development of the competences of a slimming person in the field of a new, he althy diet, in changing existing habits, so that eating becomes a pleasure, not a series of sacrifices. Check out exactly what Dr. Michelle May's diet is all about.
Dr. Michelle May's Dietis not a diet in the literal sense of the word. It'sdiet coaching , or teaching a he althy lifestyle through conscious eating, paying attention to what you eat. Why does Dr. Michelle May propose diet coaching instead of a ready-made nutritional plan? Because a slim and he althy figure is a very complex problem.
Dr. Michelle May's diet - what is it?
Dr. May makes a correct thesis that hunger is born in the head, therefore you should start losing weight in it. This thesis refers to the "selfish brain" theory. In overweight people, the energy distribution process in the brain is impaired. In times of glucose deficiency, the brain asks to supply it with large amounts of food in which it is located. However, it should properly reach for its reserves that are in the body. It does not do this because it is easier to get glucose from the food provided on an ongoing basis. This explains why some people eat extra food in their moments of emotion, even when the body does not need it at the moment. If you want to regain control over your emotions and change your eating habits, it will not help to lock the refrigerator, but to change your attitude towards eating.
Therefore, the dietitian does not focus on eating - she does not say what, when and at what time to eat, does not impose the menu she has established. The main goal of Dr. May's "diet" is to learn how to properly interpret the signals your body is sending out, how to recognize true hunger, as it allows you to make informed food choices. Thanks to this, a person who is slimming becomes an expert in the field of satisfying their nutritional needs, and the diet is ideally suited to the needs of their body. Dr. May calls it the power of instinctive eating that allows a person to lose weight toby learning to listen to her own body, leaving behind unhe althy eating habits, not sticking to the imposed dietary rules, she decides for herself, eats what she likes, consciously and without guilt. It is a multi-stage process, but permanent slimming (i.e. without the yo-yo effect) is a work in small steps.
Who is Dr. Michelle May?
Dr. May is the originator of the "Am I Hungry?" Workshops popular in America, which help to return to the so-called instinctive eating, balance eating for pleasure with eating for he alth. These workshops formed the basis of the he alth-promoting program of the American Society of Family Physicians - Americans on the Move.