Your guy wants to lose weight, but can't imagine a day without a meat meal? Does not matter. A meat diet does not have to be fattening at all. It all depends on the type and species of meat that he eats. Spices and the method of preparation are also important. If you want to persuade him to go on a slimming diet, we propose a nutritional plan that will not involve huge sacrifices.
It is worth remembering that eatingmeatdoes not rule out weight loss at all. In order to lose weight, you should eat the right types of meat and cold cuts. Those that provide a small amount of fat. Thedietthat we propose assumes that yourmalewill lose 1 kg in 2 weeks. He could of course lose more, only then would he have to give up … meat.
Nutritional strategy for a man on a diet
Eats four meals a day. Regularly! He shouldn't be hungry, but if he feels he MUST eat something else immediately, give him fruit (convince him that guys crunchy apple looks divine) or have him drink a glass of water.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreSample menu for one day for a man on a diet
- 1st breakfast: natural yoghurt, 2 sandwiches with beef delicacy, tomato and lettuce, tea or coffee without sugar or 2 sandwiches with pork loin and paprika
- 2nd breakfast: 2 sandwiches with ham and cheese, cucumber, banana or graham bread sandwich with pork loin, lettuce and kiwi
- Lunch: a slice of roasted ham, potatoes, carrots with peas, salad (e.g. chicory) or roulade with barley groats, green beans, salad (e.g. Chinese cabbage)
- Dinner: fruit yoghurt, 2 sirloin sandwiches, fruit or plain yogurt, 2 sandwiches with beef and tomato delicacy
Which types of meats are recommended during the diet
1. Red meat, especially fatty meat, and processed meats contain a lot of saturated fatty acids andcholesterol, so do not give them to your man more than 2-3 times a week. Replace them with poultry, fish, or legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils) 2. After all, meat is worth eating, because beef is rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12 . Pork, on the other hand, has more vitamin B1than other types of meat, while chicken has the most vitamin PP. Fish, on the other hand, contain a lot of zinc and vitamin B12 , and fatty sea fish - omega-3.3 fatty acids. Meat can be caloric. Therefore, choose lean varieties of it or serve cooked, stewed, baked instead of fried dishes (e.g. 100 g of boiled chicken provides about 100 kcal, while when you make it a fried breaded cutlet, it is about 350 kcal).
Natural aphrodisiacs in the diet
- If after a meal, especially a meat meal, he becomes drowsy and does not think about love games, take advantage of the gifts of nature. A proper dinner with natural aphrodisiacs will help him regain his vigor quickly. For a guy, zinc-containing products are the most valuable (it is necessary for the production of testosterone, a hormone that affects sperm quality and erection). The most zinc is found in seafood (clams, oysters, shrimps). Fish, eggs, grains, pumpkin seeds, cocoa and yeast also contain it. Desire also increases selenium. You'll find it in broccoli, tomatoes, liver, kidney, and onions. For a romantic dinner, prepare a salad of prawns, tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs with a little olive oil.
- Don't forget the Italian! Celery will not only put him in a great mood, it will also sharpen his senses and deepen the sexual experience. Parsley, on the other hand, will dilate blood vessels, making his skin more sensitive to touch.
- Also give fruit, preferably exotic, such as pineapples, mangoes or melons. They contain enzymes and essential oils that will stimulate the enthusiasm for love games.
- Pepper, nutmeg and paprika stimulate blood circulation and reduce internal tension, while herbs enliven the senses. Rosemary is best for him, but ginger is also an aphrodisiac.